Earlier today, the Senate Judiciary Committee completed opening statements in the Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett. That needs to be said because, listening to Democrats, you would think it was a healthcare candidates' forum in New Hampshire. (Hint their message was: "Trump bad, Obamacare good.") RNLA live tweeted the hearing and will live tweet the Senators questioning of Judge Barrett over the next two days. Below are some highlights from the RNLA’s Twitter (@thereplawyer) and others:
Senate Judiciary Dems stuck to Sen. Schumer’s talking points (at least for today), but tellingly none of them disavowed the anti-religious, anti-woman, despicable attacks on Judge Barrett made by their mainstream media surrogates and progressive allies. Like this 👇 https://t.co/i0qT8FzzMx
— RNLA ⚖️ (@TheRepLawyer) October 12, 2020
The Democrats main focus during today's hearing was, somehow, on how Judge Barrett was going to take away your healthcare.
"Judge Barrett Has Never Ruled On Obamacare And Though Democrats Are Presenting The Illusion Of A Near-Certain Outcome In The Pending Court Case, Legal Experts Across The Ideological Spectrum Dismiss That Idea As 'Ridiculous'" #BarrettConfirmationHearing https://t.co/MbjHhrNCzX
— RNLA ⚖️ (@TheRepLawyer) October 12, 2020
"Judge Barrett Has Never Ruled On Obamacare And Though Democrats Are Presenting The Illusion Of A Near-Certain Outcome In The Pending Court Case, Legal Experts Across The Ideological Spectrum Dismiss That Idea As 'Ridiculous'" #BarrettConfirmationHearing https://t.co/MbjHhrNCzX
— RNLA ⚖️ (@TheRepLawyer) October 12, 2020
Texas v. CA on 11/10 is about whether the "tax" on not having insurance is unconstitutional now that Congress zeroed it out and whether it can be severed from the rest of Obamacare. If yes and yes, coverage for pre-existing conditions is untouched. Dems won't tell you that.
— Thomas Jipping (@TomJipping) October 12, 2020
Republican Senators summed the Democrats' antics up well:
Great point by @JohnCornyn who mentions that Democrats want to make the hearing a quid pro quo. They want her to promise to not overturn ACA for their support. https://t.co/cneEqHJQg3
— RNLA ⚖️ (@TheRepLawyer) October 12, 2020
.@ChuckGrassley ACB comments on ACA dealt with part of the law that is no longer in effect. Her criticism of CJ Roberts is mainstream, including Dems who didn't believe the ACA was a tax. Important point by Grassley who is also a leader on @SenateFinance and knows taxes.
— RNLA ⚖️ (@TheRepLawyer) October 12, 2020
Senators Lee and Sasse basically gave a civics lesson, explaining that the Supreme Court is not the place for policy making. Unfortunately it was a necessary point that needed to be made.
.@SenMikeLee is giving a civics lesson. Unfortunately, this is necessary as @senjudiciary Democrats seem to believe that SCOTUS is a super-legislature. As Senator Lee points out this is not a policy hearing, but a SCOTUS confirmation.
— RNLA ⚖️ (@TheRepLawyer) October 12, 2020
The way to make the Court a policy making body is to "pack" the Court as President Franklin Roosevelt proposed. Nearly everyone used to reject this radical idea, including Vice President Biden as late as January of this year. Now, we need Senator Sasse to point out what the goal of court packing is since Biden and other Democrats are attempting to alter the meaning of the phrase:
Sen. Sasse: Court packing is not judicial reform. It's destroying the system we have now. To claim filling existing seats is court packing is assuming that the American people are fools. Americans want less politicization in DC, not more.
— RNLA ⚖️ (@TheRepLawyer) October 12, 2020
You may ask: "Was Judge Barrett discussed by Democrats during today's hearing?" During the opening statements at hear own confirmation hearings, Judge Barrett was barely discussed at all. A couple key points on that front:
Does anyone else feel it noteworthy that every Republican praised RBG as a role model for women but, so far, no Democrat has given any credit to Judge Barrett as a mother of seven (including two adopted) as a role model?
— RNLA ⚖️ (@TheRepLawyer) October 12, 2020
Democrats in the hearing mostly seem to be talking about anything but Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Speaks well of the Judge’s record and reputation.
— Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) October 12, 2020
In today’s #BarrettHearing, GOP senators focused on Judge Barrett’s superb qualifications & the proper role of the courts and provided several basics civics lessons to their Dem colleagues who think that the courts are super-legislatures. #ConfirmACB #ConfirmAmy
— RNLA ⚖️ (@TheRepLawyer) October 12, 2020
Follow the RNLA on Twitter for live reactions tomorrow. For our members, we also have a number of taped Webinars to review on our Members Landing page.