Republican Senators Stand Strong in Refusing to Hold Hearings for Scalia's Replacement

Republican Senators hold their ground as Obama and the left seek to shift the balance of the Supreme Court. Despite the hypocrisy of both President Obama's and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid's positions, they have criticized Republican Senators' refusal to confirm a nominee in this election year. 

A shift to the left has already begun in our nation’s highest Court. Given the Court’s recent conduct absent Scalia, it has become abundantly clear that the Court cannot afford another liberal justice. We need Republican Senators to stand strong and refuse to back down. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley is doing just that:

“It isn’t any different if the President of the United States notifies Congress well in advanced of a piece of legislation that he’s going to veto it,” Grassley said, suggesting that many of his Iowa constituents have expressed anger at the Supreme Court itself for taking an activist role in the law. 
“Whether it’s today or tomorrow or whether it’s for the next seven or eight months, this is a very important debate that we ought to have about the constitution and about not only who’s going to be a replacement for Justice Scalia but about the role of the Supreme Court,” Grassley added. “At the grassroots of America, there’s a real feeling of ‘Is the Supreme Court doing what the Constitution requires?'” 

It is uncontested that the President has the right to nominate a candidate; however, the Senate also has the right to choose whether or not to hold a hearing on his nomination. We should support the actions of our Senators who are standing up for what is right and refusing to bend to the strong arm tactics of the Democrats. It is clear to many that the President is focused on dealing a parting blow to conservatism. After eight years of a failed administration, many feel President Obama has done enough. Justice Scalia spent the entirety of his Supreme Court career protecting the Constitution and the rights therein. Scalia’s replacement is an important decision that should be left until after the people have spoken this November.