Bill de Blasio Highlights Campaign Finance Hypocrisy
Like many Democrat candidates running for President in 2020, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has been an active proponent of campaign finance reform. According to OpenSecrets, "When he served as New York City’s public advocate in 2010, he penned an article in The Nation condemning Citizens United and called on state and local leaders across America to join him..."
And, like other 2020 Democrats, he doesn't think that the existing rules apply to him.
Read moreDemocrats Using SCOTUS to Remedy 2016 Election Loss
Prior to the 2016 election, Democrat candidates traditionally respected the independence of the judiciary. Now, however, with President Trump having nominated Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, liberal legislators are angry and seeking every avenue to undermine Trump in any way possible.
Read moreAll Sides Agree Judicial Nominations are a Key Issue in 2020 but Republicans are Winning in 2019
Today, the media was buzzing with stories focusing on the President’s power to nominate judges and how that is going to impact the 2020 election. Democrat Presidential candidates have been talking about a wide variety of issues from Citizens United, Roe v. Wade litmus tests for nominees, to strategies aiming to fill the Supreme Court with liberal Justices. Meanwhile, Senate Republicans keep confirming more judges and cementing President Trump’s legacy.
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