Georgia Democrat Election Officials Mess Up In Person Voting
Georgia, South Carolina, West Virginia, Nevada, and North Dakota all held primaries on Tuesday. While things went smoothly in most of the states, Georgia experienced significant problems including long lines, confusion over new voting equipment, and short staffed polling places . Most of the issues were experienced in the Atlanta metropolitan area.
Read moreThe ACLU Is Not Radical Enough for the Modern Democratic Party
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is no friend of Republicans or conservatives, but it has traditionally been a defender of free speech and First Amendment rights, especially for marginalized and unpopular speakers. While there are signs that its traditional support for civil liberties is waning and being replaced by support for liberal policy goals (the current pop-up on their website reads: "We need you with us: Donate monthly to fight Trump's attacks on people's rights."), the ACLU still will support some First Amendment rights. For example, earlier this month, the ACLU sent a letter to the House Rules Committee opposing H.R. 1 despite supporting many of its election administration "reforms":
Read moreEven Michelle Obama Rejects the Current Democratic Party Message
Not content with smearing the character of a good man for being a conservative judge, leading Democrats are now taking to calling for attacks on all Republicans.
First--the one most in the news--former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder said:
Read moreDemocrat Eric Holder: When Republicans Go Low, "We Kick Them"
— Ryan Saavedra 🇺🇸 (@RealSaavedra) October 10, 2018