"No Tampering" with Vote Tallying Systems in 2016
A major piece of news happened yesterday, or at least it should be news. Foreign actors have changed ZERO votes on American voting machines. The Committee on House Administration held a hearing entitled: 2020 Election Security-Perspectives From Voting System Vendors and Experts. In a panel of the three manufacturers of virtually all the voting machines in the United States, the following exchange happened (emphasis added):
Ranking Member Rodney Davis (R-IL): To your knowledge, has a foreign state ever successfully breached or hacked your vote tallying election machines?
Mr. Tom Burt, President and CEO, Election Systems & Software, Omaha, NE: No
Mr. John Poulos, President and CEO, Dominion Voting Systems, Denver, CO: No
Ms. Julie Mathis, President and CEO, Hart InterCivic, Austin, TX: No
Read moreRNLA Sends Recommendations to US Election Assistance Commission
Today, the Republican National Lawyers Association (RNLA) submitted a public comment to the United States Election Assistance Commission (EAC) regarding the proposed Voluntary Voting Systems Guidelines (VVSG) 2.0 Principles and Guidelines.
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