Dems Will Cast Doubt on Elections Until They Get Their Way
During a live-streamed interview on Tuesday, Democrat House Leader Steny Hoyer echoed President Joe Biden's position that the 2022 midterm elections could be "illegitimate" if Democrats fail to pass their radical elections bills. Politico reported:
Hoyer said the Democrats' push to pass voting rights legislation is “very much alive,” but he referenced the same strategy that failed Democrats last week. “We either need to change the rules, or get 60 votes [in the Senate],” he said.
Read moreDem Election Shenanigans Will Not Succeed in the Senate
On Thursday morning, the House passed Democrats' most radical piece of elections legislation yet, the "Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act,” along party lines. This legislation combines the "Freedom to Cheat Act" and H.R. 4 into one bill.
Read moreThank you to Congressional Republicans for Saving Our Elections
In 2021, Democrats made it their primary objective to pass legislation that would amount to a federal takeover of our election system. They literally made it their number one legislative priority and when that failed, they keep introducing tweaked but equally bad legislation. But Republicans blocked these radical pieces of legislation again and again. As the liberal publication Vox wrote earlier this year, "Congress has repeatedly tried and failed to pass comprehensive voting rights reform this year, even though the Democratic Party holds the majority."
Read moreDems Push Another Corrupt and Extreme Attempt at Federalizing Elections
Ever since President Biden was elected, Democrats have made it their top priority to re-elect themselves. First there was H.R. 1, nicknamed “The Corrupt Politicians Act.” Today, the Senate is debating the nicknamed “Freedom to Cheat Act.” Really, it is the same thing as H.R. 1 as this graphic by Heritage Action illustrates:
Dems Push Same, Tired Talking Points on Elections During Senate Hearing
Earlier today, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution held a hearing on the Voting Rights Act. Unsurprisingly, the Democrats pushed the same, tired talking points about voter discrimination that they always do.
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