Thank you to Congressional Republicans for Saving Our Elections
In 2021, Democrats made it their primary objective to pass legislation that would amount to a federal takeover of our election system. They literally made it their number one legislative priority and when that failed, they keep introducing tweaked but equally bad legislation. But Republicans blocked these radical pieces of legislation again and again. As the liberal publication Vox wrote earlier this year, "Congress has repeatedly tried and failed to pass comprehensive voting rights reform this year, even though the Democratic Party holds the majority."
Read moreDems Push Another Corrupt and Extreme Attempt at Federalizing Elections
Ever since President Biden was elected, Democrats have made it their top priority to re-elect themselves. First there was H.R. 1, nicknamed “The Corrupt Politicians Act.” Today, the Senate is debating the nicknamed “Freedom to Cheat Act.” Really, it is the same thing as H.R. 1 as this graphic by Heritage Action illustrates:
Clarke Fails Measurably to Defend Biden Administration Positions on Voting and Parental Rights
On Wednesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing entitled, "Protecting a Precious, Almost Sacred Right: The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act" (a.k.a. H.R. 4 / S.4). Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Kristen Clarke testified before the Committee in attempt to defend the proposed partisan power grab and federal takeover of our elections.
Read moreDems Push Same, Tired Talking Points on Elections During Senate Hearing
Earlier today, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution held a hearing on the Voting Rights Act. Unsurprisingly, the Democrats pushed the same, tired talking points about voter discrimination that they always do.
Read moreThe Freedom to Cheat Act: A compromise between the Left and the far Left
After the failed S. 1 effort, the Democrats' latest effort at a federal takeover of our elections, the incorrectly named “Freedom to Vote Act, was described by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell thusly:
No amount of repackaging or relabeling will let Democrats sneak through big pieces of the sweeping, partisan, federal takeover of our nation’s elections that they have wanted to pass since they took power.
Seemingly every few weeks, Democrats take another run at this. This week’s latest ‘compromise’ is just a compromise between the left and the far left. It’s the product of Washington Democrats negotiating with each other about how much power they should grab. It contains many of the same fatal flaws as their previous attempted takeovers that have already fallen flat. . . .
We will not be letting Washington Democrats abuse their razor-thin majorities in both chambers to overrule state and local governments and appoint themselves a national Board of Elections on steroids.
Read moreWhy Manchin Has to Vote Against H.R. 4
After passing the House last week with no Republican support, H.R. 4's next stop is the U.S. Senate. Democrats in the Senate need all the support they can get to pass H.R. 4, and at the center of this effort is the vote of Democrat Senator Joe Manchin. And as it stands now, Joe Manchin has no choice but to vote "no" on H.R. 4 based on his prior statements.
Read moreH.R. 4, Pelosi's Next Elections Power Grab, Introduced by House Democrats
On Tuesday, House Democrats introduced Nancy Pelosi's next elections power grab, H.R. 4.
Read moreWith Congresswoman @RepTerriSewell and Judiciary Committee Chairman @RepJerryNadler’s leadership, Democrats are fighting back against an anti-democratic tide and protecting access to the ballot box for every American. Read my full statement here:
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) August 17, 2021
History Lesson on Voting Rights: It 's Not 1965
While the public is rightly focused on the Biden administration's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, House Democrats chose again to focus on their own reelections. Today, it was a hearing on H.R. 4, the so-called John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. The only problem: the bill contains no text for the committee members to even review:
The House Judiciary Com. meeting now about a bill that has no text & of which we have no idea what text it is going to contain. We agree John Lewis was a hero, but a bill in his name is not helpful to Voting Rights if it does not truly deal with Voting rights in 21st Century
— RNLA ⚖️ (@TheRepLawyer) August 16, 2021
Read more.@Jim_Jordan points out this is last time to talk about legislation that we don't even have the bill on! It is outrageous that Democrats are having hearings and a VOTE on a bill that members of Congress have not seen!
— RNLA ⚖️ (@TheRepLawyer) August 16, 2021
Cruz Stops Dem Attempt to Pass Corrupt Politicians Act in Dead of Night
The Senate Democrats are at it again. After a marathon session of voting on amendments to the infrastructure package, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer attempted to force a vote on a series of bills that would facilitate a federal takeover of elections including the Corrupt Politicians Act. But as The Houston Chronicle reported, Senator Ted Cruz repeatedly objected to the motions:
In a back-and-forth with Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on the Senate floor around 3:30 a.m., the Texas Republican objected repeatedly as the New York Democrat sought consent for the Senate to consider a series of voting bills. Cruz denounced the legislation as “a federal government takeover of elections” and a “massive power grab by Democrats.”
Read moreSenate Dems Hit the Road in Their Quest to Federalize Elections
Earlier today, Senate Rules Democrats took their "phony hysteria" about state election laws "on the road" and held a field hearing in Atlanta, Georgia. The hearing was Democrats' latest stunt in their quest to enact a federal takeover of elections. As Republican Leader Mitch McConnell pointed out:
“Democrats’ fake outrage may have driven jobs and opportunities out of the state of Georgia, but I’m sure Georgians will appreciate that Democrats are bringing their own partisan circus to town instead.
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