ICYMI: SCOTUS Protects Religious Liberty in COVID Restrictions Case
In a victory for religious liberty, the United States Supreme Court granted an injunction last Wednesday, protecting two New York religious organizations from New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's executive order that imposed "very severe restrictions on attendance at religious services in areas classified as 'red' or 'orange' zones" pending a decision on the merits of the case by the Second Circuit.
The Court's unsigned per curiam opinion was joined by Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett. Both Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh wrote concurring opinions. Chief Justice John Roberts wrote a dissenting opinion. Justice Breyer also authored a dissenting opinion that Justices Sotomayor and Kagan joined. Justice Sotomayor wrote her own dissenting opinion joined by Justice Kagan.
Read moreThe Myth of Good Ol' Joe Biden
Democrats shouldn't blame Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for “ruining” the Supreme Court nomination and confirmation process by not waiting until after the election. The truth is, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden broke the process long ago. . .
Biden is responsible for the single worst political trend in the last 35 years: the politicization of Supreme Court nominations.
Read moreSCOTUS Rejects VBM Extension in WI
In a 5-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to reinstate the Wisconsin absentee ballot deadline extension ordered by a lower court earlier this year and kept the deadline established by Wisconsin law in place. As a result, absentee ballots must be received by election day to be counted. This is another victory for the integrity of November's election.
Read moreRNLA Members and Friends Submit Letter in Support of ACB Confirmation
Over 300 RNLA leaders, members, and friends have submitted a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in support of the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court. Judge Barrett's nomination has been voted out of the Judiciary Committee and is awaiting confirmation by the full Senate.
Read moreAmericans Say "Yes" to ACB and "No" to Court Packing
2020 has led to many differences among the American people, but a majority of Americans agree on 2 things: Senators should confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court and say "no" to court packing. The percentage of Americans who support Judge Barrett's confirmation has increased by nearly 15% since President Trump announced her nomination to the Court.
Read moreFinal Day of ACB Hearings Exposes How Dems Really Feel
The final day of Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett showed what we already knew: Senate Democrats incorrectly believe that the courts should make policy decisions.
Read moreSenate Democrats were relentless this week in their quest to get Judge Barrett to weigh in on their campaign issues, and signal how she would approach cases that might come before her. /2
— Carrie Severino (@JCNSeverino) October 15, 2020
ACB Hearing Day 3: Best Nominee this Century
After 3 long days of hearings, Judge Amy Coney Barrett has emerged as one of the most brilliant Supreme Court nominees in recent history. Former Judiciary Committee Counsel Greg Nunziata and current TV Commentator argued:
Read moreACB turned in one of the best hearing performances of 21st century Supreme Court nominees.
— Gregg Nunziata (@greggnunziata) October 14, 2020
I'd say Roberts, Kagan, and Barrett are the top three (coincidentally, one for each POTUS), but not sure in what order.
Day 2: Judge Barrett Hits Home Run, Dems Strikeout
Democrats continued their healthcare forum during today's confirmation hearing for Judge Amy Coney Barrett. This came despite:
Judge Barrett correctly says that Obamacare case currently before the Supreme Court turns on the issue of severability, which was not an issue in the previous ACA cases. Someone should tell the Democrats.
— RNLA ⚖️ (@TheRepLawyer) October 13, 2020
Read moreBarrett asks, “What sane person person would go through [this] process without a clear benefit on the other side?” The benefit she says, is the rule of law and an opportunity to serve her country.
— Gabby Orr (@GabbyOrr_) October 13, 2020
ACB Nomination: Kavanaugh Smear Machine Used in Today’s Attacks
Today the Washington Post wrote a hit piece on Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s religion. The writer, Emma Brown, is a familiar name to those who work on confirmations:
Read moreDemocrats are laundering their (admittedly weak) anti-religious smear of Amy Coney Barrett through Emma Brown, the same reporter they used to launch their massive and media-coordinated anti-Kavanaugh operation that so many Americans found so despicable. https://t.co/WRVyuD2WQ1
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 7, 2020
Never Enough Election Litigation for Progressives
The left has always seen the courts as way to get around the will of the people, whether it is their duly elected legislators or the voters themselves. This cycle, led by Marc Elias who played a key role in the Russia collusion hoax, the left has filed lawsuit after lawsuit to overturn the will of voters. But that still is not enough for the left:
Read moreThe craziest part of twitter are progressives who complain that I don't litigate enough.
— Marc E. Elias (@marceelias) October 6, 2020
I'm sorry if the 70+ cases we have brought this cycle and the three dozen we are currently litigating aren't addressing your particular issue.
You do know there are other lawyers, right?