On Election Fraud and Problems: "We might not have seen anything yet"
While the mainstream media denies the very existence of vote fraud, local newspapers have been noting election fraud and problems that have escaped the notice of the DC-based pundits.
First off we’ll start with the swing state of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is experiencing an increase in vote by mail and is already challenged by it. The first problem is voters are receiving duplicate ballots and no one knows who or how many.
It is not clear how many voters have received duplicate ballots, or for how long the problem persisted. A county spokeswoman said there was "no way to know" the scope of the problem. In a Friday call with reporters, county Elections Manager Dave Voye agreed: "We don’t have a full scope of how many were mailed," he said, later adding that the county was unlikely to obtain one. He said the county had determined the issue began in late April, and was addressed earlier this week. . . .
A 2019 change in state law made voting by mail far easier – and the coronavirus has made it incredibly popular. Jeff Greenburg, who manages elections in Mercer County, told WESA earlier this month that the SURE system was “part of the bottleneck” that elections workers faced in dealing with an influx of mail-in requests. Counties have a limited number of terminals with access to the system, and a limited number of staff to verify voter information from people receiving the ballots. He worried that a crush of last-minute ballot applications would further strain the system. . . .
Asked whether he expected conservative groups to use the snafu in an effort to cast aspersions on the voting process, DeMarco said, “I think it’s within anyone’s rights to start asking question. When you think about how important our elections are, and we tell everyone who safe mail-in ballots are, and then people are getting ballots they didn’t even ask for."
Read moreEven Nadler Sees Vote Fraud with Paper Ballots
The left denies vote fraud exists even when their own leaders admit it. An example that surfaced yesterday is of Rep. Jerrold Nadler, one of the leaders of House Democrats' impeachment efforts, speaking on vote fraud in 2004.
Read moreJerry Nadler in 2004: “Paper ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud...I can show you experience which would make your head spin.” pic.twitter.com/L7zJhoB3O8
— Danny De Urbina (@dannydeurbina) May 25, 2020
Liberal "Voter Protection" Groups Silent on Vote Fraud in Philadelphia
Every fraudulent vote suppresses the vote of a real, eligible voter. Yet liberal groups whose stated missions are to “protect the vote” care nothing about this voter suppression. Why? Because it benefits Democratic Party establishment candidates and does not fit their narrative that vote fraud does not exist.
An example happened today in Philadelphia. As U.S. Attorney William McSwain explained:
I am here to announce that the U.S. Attorney’s Office has unsealed criminal charges against Domenick J. DeMuro, a former Judge of Elections for the 39th Ward, 36th Division in South Philadelphia. DeMuro has been charged with two counts: first, for conspiring to deprive Philadelphia voters of their civil rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific Democratic candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections, and second, for a violation of the Travel Act, which forbids the use of any facility in interstate commerce (here, a cell phone) with the intent to promote certain illegal activity (here, bribery). DeMuro has pled guilty to both of these charges.
Read moreLiberals Are Trying to Make Vote by Mail Worse, Even Deadly
While reasonable people can disagree about how elections should be changed in response to the unique challenges of COVID-19, there should be universal agreement not to make them more dangerous and less effective. Yet that is what the left and California are trying to do.
Hillary Clinton's 2016 lawyer and Steele dossier funder Marc Elias has made ballot harvesting one of his four pillars for election reform. As Logan Churchwell explains in an op-ed entitled, All-mail ballot harvesters could be the next COVID-19 superspreaders:
Picture a harvester in a densely-populated city visiting dozens of houses and apartments each day — often crossing thresholds into living rooms to promote a particular candidate, cause or party. Think of the air they breathe, the touched surfaces and the collected ballot envelopes sealed with human saliva from each home. It only takes one untested, asymptomatic COVID-19 carrier’s ballot being harvested to risk exposure for the rest of the neighborhood as that political operative continues door-to-door.
Proponents have a tough sell in credibly convincing the public that all-mail ballot elections are actually safer with respect to sanitary concerns.
Read morePart 2, Top 10 Blog Posts of 2019
We continue our Top 10 Blog posts for 2019. Numbers 6-10 are here.
Senate Judiciary Dems playing an awkward game of praising Bill Barr's character and competence while saying why they're voting against him, which boils down to Pres. Trump, with some background of unitary executive theory.
Read moreICYMI: Award Winning Democrat Election Official Indicted in Michigan for Election Fraud
While the Left continues to push the narrative that our elections are under attack by foreign actors, fraud and malfeasance are actually happening here at home. Most recently, a Democrat party leader and city clerk in Southfield, Michigan, Sherika Hawkins, has been accused of altering hundreds of votes and has previously been involved in other close elections.
Read morePart 2: Top Blog Posts of 2018 – Vote Fraud, Ballot Mishandling, and the Obstruction of Free Speech
The 2018 election saw the continuance of the Democrats' attempts at vote fraud, voter disenfranchisement, and ballot mishandling at the county and state levels. Republicans also experienced an attack on the their First Amendment rights, but luckily Republican free speech advocates are on their side. The below posts show exactly how Democrats have influenced elections and interfered with individuals' rights.
Read moreFormer Democrat Texas Official Charged with Funding Voter Intimidation and Fraud Ring
A few weeks back a voter intimidation and fraud ring was uncovered in Texas. Today it was uncovered that the funding for the scheme came from a Texas Democratic Party official:
A Fort Worth woman recently indicted on voter fraud charges paid others involved in the scheme with funds provided by a former Tarrant County Democratic Party leader, court documents filed this week say.
. . . The notice, filed Tuesday, states that Sanchez engaged in organized criminal activity in collaboration with her three co-defendants; Stuart Clegg, a former executive director for the Tarrant County Democratic Party; and others.
Read moreDisappearing Operatives Commit Vote Fraud to Make Vote Fraud Easier
The Brennan Center and other groups focused on supporting the Democrat Party try to very narrowly define vote fraud as in person impersonation. It is much broader than that.
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