Are Californians Tiring of Liberal and Incompetent Election Administration?

The Help America Vote Act was passed in 2002.  One of its requirements was states clean up their voter rolls.  In the twelve years since then, California is the only state not to comply with this provision.  Worse, the office has languished under Democrat control where nothing is done and even the LA Times points out that there is “little urgency.”

As we pointed out previously, even left-of-center groups like Pew are critical of California’s non-efforts to clean up the rolls or even subscribe to state voter list sharing services.  The Democrat Party nominee has refused to support programs such as the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC).  The Republican Nominee for California Secretary of State Pete Peterson has gone a step further then just endorsing ERIC but inviting Pew to have a role in evaluating their success:

Customize the non-partisan Pew Center’s “Elections Performance Index” to evaluate the performance of the Secretary of State office, and display it on the Secretary of State website.


Peterson has won the endorsement of the liberal Los Angeles Times and many other newspapers including the U-T San Diego which stated:


A Republican but hardly a partisan, he has a well-developed action plan to increase voting, make voting information more available, make the campaign finance system far more transparent and have the state office be a helpful, encouraging partner to new businesses.


While Peterson wants to make the voting experience better for all Californians, Democrats have all too often viewed the job of Secretary of State as a stepping stone, as the LA Times writes:


We have concerns, however, that [Democrat nominee Sen. Alex]Padilla views the job merely as a steppingstone to higher office.



Hopefully, the voters of the very blue state of California will put aside partisanship to vote for the best Secretary of State for the job.  We know Peterson will rise above partisanship.