One of the reasons that the political operatives on the left fight so hard for vote fraud is so they can vote . . . illegally where they don’t live or have an intent to reside. Don’t take our word for it, listen to the Democrat New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardener who was supporting Republican efforts to stop this practice in New Hampshire.
Gardner said he likes the new proposal, particularly a House amendment that makes it clear that "working on political campaigns is not sufficient evidence" to make someone eligible to vote in New Hampshire.
He said it doesn't take much to swing state-level races.
"We had three ties in the last election cycle, one in the primary and two in the general election," he said. "And we had six other recounts that were in the single digits."
Not just small races are involved in this effort nor is this new. Well-funded campaigns such as those for President can import thousands of volunteers to temporarily live, lie about their intent to reside, and then vote. This practice has been going on for years and is one of the reasons the left fights so hard against voter ID.
For example, the Milwaukee Police Department’s Special Investigations Unit "Report of the Investigation into the November 2, 2004 General Election in the City of Milwaukee" uncovered a number of employees of a liberal environmental group and of the Democrat nominee for President voting in Milwaukee with no intent to reside there.
The investigators found, through media and Internet sources, that the two organizations, in their own words, placed thousands of staffers and volunteers in Wisconsin during the course of this election cycle….[T]he persons described in this section represent multiple levels of both of the organizations; from upper management to the street level canvassers. …There does remain a strong possibility that the discovery of these random staffers voting illegally is the proverbial ‘tip of the iceberg’ as it relates to an illegal organized attempt to influence the outcome of an election in the state of Wisconsin.”
What makes the current situation even more newsworthy is the most recent example, which involves the niece of a potential Presidential candidate:
Election Day is always big in New Hampshire, and in the months leading up the general election last year, Alana Biden the vice president’s niece, worked on the campaign of President Barack Obama in the Granite State.
Biden voted on Election Day by swearing in an affidavit that her domicile was 145 Steinmetz Drive in Manchester. After the election, she left the state and moved to New York, according to her LinkedIn profile.
State Sen. Martha Fuller Clark, D-District 21, has eight people registered to vote under her single-family address in Portsmouth. Several of them came to New Hampshire to work on campaigns for various periods of time and voted in elections before moving on.
Does anyone really believe that Ms. Biden was intending to permanently reside with 8 other campaign workers in a State Senator’s house in New Hampshire? More importantly just think of how easy it would be for an unscrupulous and well-funded Presidential campaign to import thousands of “workers” into New Hampshire to “live” and vote only to return right after the election.
New Hampshire is right to fight for a change in the law to stop this. The Wisconsin Police had an even better way back in 2004 report when they advocated, Photo Voter ID with address.
As an alternative, if On-Site registration is to continue in its present form, then the presentation of a government issued identification card that includes the voter’s name, address (including city) and date of birth should be presented before that person is allowed to register and vote. The inclusion of identification alternatives such as a credit card bill, library card, lease, etc., where no photo is provided, does not ensure that the person presenting these types of documents is in fact the person they are asserting to be.
Ms. Biden won’t be prosecuted. And if the Democrat Governor has her way, Ms. Biden may get a chance to vote for her uncle in New Hampshire or New York or for that matter anywhere his campaign or allied group will pay her to work that has same day registration laws.