Crist Grasping at Straws to Try and Keep Polls Open

We have seen many different ideas from the Democrats on how to conduct vote fraud. Political chameleon Charlie Crist, who ran unsuccesfully for Governor in Florida as a Democrat, did not disappoint. Crist attempted to keep the polls open in Broward County once he learned he was not doing as well as he hoped, nor as well as he needed to in order to win.

According to the Daily Caller, Crist: [F]iled a motion in the 17th Judicial Circuit to keep the polls open in Democratic-heavy Broward County past the original deadline of 7 P.M. It just so happens that voting in Broward County is reportedly low.


Crist reached deep into his hat to find a “justification” for such a move, stating voters should have a “meaningful opportunity” to vote. There was not much that prevented Broward County voters from their “meaningful opportunity,” as the best the Crist campaign could come up with was:

[D]ue to the failure of the EVID system at the polling place at Croissant Park Elementary School the mechanical equipment failed to function properly and as a result the polling place did not open until approximately 8:45am.
[T]hroughout the county, failure of the EVID system throughout the day has prevented voters from being able to update their address on the day of the election…
[D]ue to the recent redistricting in Florida has caused confusion among Florida voters regarding their appropriate precinct and polling place causing them to present themselves at the improper polling place and poll workers at these polling places failed to provide accurate information regarding the voters’ appropriate polling place; and (4) a number of voters at precinct ZOO4 were issued new voter cards in January improperly listing their polling place as Z055. 

Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes said that no voters were turned away due to any issues. 

The Circuit Judge saw that Crist was grasping at straws in an attempt to fraudulently give himself a political advantage, and potentially, the Florida governor’s seat. The Judge denied the motion.