As is often the case the case, the person caught committing the vote fraud is just the tip of an alleged larger effort to disenfranchise legal voters and steal elections. A Democrat elected official was busted for 19 counts of vote fraud:
State Rep. Christina “Tita” Ayala, D-Bridgeport, was arrested Friday on 19 voting fraud charges.
Ayala, 31, is accused of voting in local and state elections in districts she did not live, the Chief State’s Attorney’s Office said in a press release.
The arrest warrant affidavit also alleges Ayala provided fabricated evidence to state Election Enforcement Commission investigators that showed she lived at an address in a district where she voted while actually living outside the district, according to the release. . . .
Christina Ayala was charged with eight counts of fraudulent voting, 10 counts of primary or enrollment violations and one count of tampering with or fabricating physical evidence.
However the possible mastermind and Christina’s mother has not been charged and actually was nominated registrar by Democrat leaders after this scandal broke!
No action has been so far taken against Santa Ayala, who, despite being accused by the SEEC of possibly helping her daughter to break the law, was nominated by Bridgeport Democratic leaders this summer for another term as registrar and will appear on the November ballot.
This is really a bigger part of the story and part of a national trend. From supporting talking heads such as known vote fraudster Al Sharpton to nominating local officials, Democrat leaders often seem to not only deny the existence of vote fraud but reward those who commit it.