Even partisan Democrats and professional vote fraud deniers such as Rich Hasen grudgingly admit to a potential vote fraud problem associated with vote-by-mail. Hasen discusses it in the context of vote buying but it is a much bigger problem than that.
Another example of the problem is “Zombie Voting,” or the dead voting, detailed in the video by CBS Denver attached to this article:
We found voter fraud in Colorado that essentially waters down your vote. . . .
[Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams stated]: "It is impossible to vote from the grave legally.”
He says in most cases we found, after someone died, mail ballots kept coming to their home. Someone else filled them out.
Is this a reason that Democrats advocate so strongly for vote-by-mail and against efforts to clean up voter lists? Let’s compare where this has been reported recently.
In California, where other instances of dead voting have been uncovered this year, Democrat Secretaries of State have adamantly opposed any efforts to clean up the voter lists for years and the Democrat Party has refused to comment on dead people voting.
In Colorado, to his credit, Secretary of State Williams is taking this seriously. However, his job has been made much harder due to Colorado’s recent turn to voting entirely by mail, led by Democrats over the opposition of Colorado’s Republican Secretary of State.
Turning out the vote should not involve the graveyard. Thank you, Secretary Williams, and shame on you, Democrats in California.