Though the identify of the nominee for Justice Scalia's seat on the Supreme Court whom President Trump will announce tomorrow night is still unknown, Senate Democrats have already denounced the nomineeand announced plans to filibuster him or her. That Democrats and their liberal allies will do so for any nominee put forward by a Republican president shows that the Democrats' opposition is about politics, not even about ideology or judicial philosophy:
SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): “It's hard for me to imagine a nominee [for the Supreme Court] that Donald Trump would choose that would get Republican support that we could support. So you're right.” RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC: “So you will do your best to hold the seat open.” SCHUMER: “Absolutely.”(The Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBC, 1/3/2017)
Some rather ironic historical examples:
THE LEFT ON JUSTICE STEVENS: ‘Extraordinary Lack Of Sensitivity To The Problems Women Face’
NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN ON STEVENS: ‘Grave Concern,’ ‘Extraordinary Lack Of Sensitivity To The Problems Women Face’ . . .
THE LEFT ON JUSTICE KENNEDY: A ‘Troubling’ ‘Sexist’ ‘Unqualified To Sit On The High Court’
NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN ON KENNEDY: A ‘Sexist’ Who ‘Would Be A Disaster For Women’ . . .
THE LEFT ON JUSTICE SOUTER: ‘Ample Reason To Fear’ This ‘Disturbing’ Nominee
NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN ON SOUTER: ‘Ample Reason To Fear,’ ‘Troubling’ . . .
NAN ARON ON SOUTER: ‘Very Troubling Aspects Of His Legal Record’ . . .
As any followers of the Supreme Court know, Justices Stevens, Kennedy, and Souter were nominated by Republican presidents but as Supreme Court justices came to liberal policy outcomes and used living constitutional methods of reasoning in their opinions more often than not. But liberals had a political motive to attack the character of these Republican presidential nominees. Just remember in the next few weeks: whatever liberals and Democrats say about Trump's nominee, it doesn't actually have anything to do with the nominee.