RNLA Florida Chapter Miami Reception

RNLA Florida Chapter Miami Reception

featuring the Trump Campaign and RNC's Gineen Bresso

 - Register Below -


Join the RNLA's Florida Chapter for a special reception in Miami with Gineen Bresso, the Election Integrity Counsel for the Trump Campaign and the Director of the RNC’s Election Integrity Department. This is a great opportunity to network with fellow Republicans in the legal field.

Wednesday, June 26th
5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. ET

The Globe
377 Alhambra Cir, Coral Gables, FL 33134


- Drinks and hors d'oeuvres will be provided. -

Thank you Manuel Iglesias for generously sponsoring this event!


Sponsorship Packages

We hope you will consider sponsoring RNLA's Miami Reception. To purchase a sponsorship, please contact Elizabeth El-Rassy at [email protected].

Presenting Sponsor - $2,500

  • Recognition of your law firm - logo on display at reception and RNLA website.
  • Complimentary one-year membership for one lawyer at Sustaining Level ($300 value).
  • Sponsorship gifts specialized for Republican lawyers.

Partner Sponsor - $1,000

  • Recognition of your law firm - logo on display at the reception and RNLA website.
  • Complimentary one-year membership for one lawyer at Contributing Level ($150 value).

Friend Sponsor - $500

  • Recognition of your law firm - logo on display at the reception and RNLA website.


Click Here to Become an RNLA Member

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This event is off the record and closed to the press.

By attending this event, you agree not to audio or video record the speakers or anyone at this event at any time and not to share any portion of their remarks on social media or by any other mechanism. 

The RNLA seeks to promote open, fair and honest elections at all levels of American society in a non-discriminatory manner and to provide access to the polls to all qualified and eligible voters.

This event is not a fundraiser. RNLA provides opportunities for its members to meet Republican leaders.

Private Event. RNLA has the right to revoke any registration at any time for any reason including, but not limited to, any security, disruption, and/or event size capacity issue.

The RNLA requires all attendees strictly adhere to our Event Photography Policy.

June 26, 2024 at 5:30pm - 7pm

Will you come?

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