We recommend using a desktop or laptop computer. Go to www.rnla.org. Click on “Member Login” (blue button in the upper right-hand corner of the page).
Log in to your account:
- If you previously logged in on the new website, use the login credentials you created. These are different from the ones to log in to the Members Only section of the old RNLA website.
- If you have not previously logged in on the new website:
- Enter the email address associated with your RNLA membership under “Create an account” and click “Send account activation.”
- Check your email, and click on the activation link in the email from NationBuilder.
- Enter a username (which will be the website link to your profile), enter your business address, and create a password; then click “Activate Account.”
- If you have previously logged in on the new website but cannot remember your password, use the “Forgot your password?” link to request a password reset email.
Once logged in, click on “Edit Profile” (blue button in the upper right-hand corner of the page). This “Your Republican National Lawyers Association account” page has basic account and profile information that you can edit:
- The phone number in the “Work Phone” field will be displayed on your public profile.
- Your email will be displayed on your public profile, unless you uncheck the “Show email?” checkbox (we recommend using your business email).
- Your address will be displayed on your public profile, unless you uncheck the “Show address?” checkbox (we recommend using your business address).
- In the “Biography” section, you can include your full biography with formatting as you would in a Word document (paragraphs, bold, italics, etc.). There is no length limit.
- Please do not include any hyperlinks, as this triggers a security protection in NationBuilder and it will likely not save your changes.
- The profile picture uploaded must be exactly square (to the exact pixel) and the file size must be under 56k.
- The “Website” field will add a link to your profile to one website (we recommend your official/firm bio or LinkedIn page).
- The “Party Title” field is for you to enter other Republican party titles you may have, such as a position with a state or local party organization.
If you have any problems accessing your account or editing your profile, please call 202-802-0437.