RNLA Virtual New York Election Law CLE
Thursday, October 5
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM ET
Join RNLA for a virtual CLE training on New York election law featuring prominent legal experts from around the state. Learn how you can play a key role in ensuring the election process in New York is safeguarded and fair for all voters.
Featured speakers include former Deputy Director of Election Operations for the New York State Board of Elections Joe Burns and New York City Board of Elections Commissioner Fred Umane. The program will be moderated by the Executive Director at New York Republican State Committee, Jason Weingartner.
Accreditation for 1.0 hour of CLE credit has been approved by the Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Board. Pennsylvania is a Group “B” approved jurisdiction under New York's Approved Jurisdiction Policy.
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This event is off the record and closed to the press.
By attending this event, you agree not to audio or video record the speakers or anyone at this event at any time and not to share any portion of their remarks on social media or by any other mechanism.
The RNLA seeks to promote open, fair and honest elections at all levels of American society in a non-discriminatory manner and to provide access to the polls to all qualified and eligible voters.
This event is not a fundraiser. RNLA provides opportunities for its members to meet Republican leaders.