President Trump Nominates More Excellent Judges to Federal Bench

Today, President Trump announced ten additional nominees to federal court vacancies.  The RNLA and RNLA leaders praised these nominees as excellent choices following the pattern of his first two judicial nominees, Justice Gorsuch and Sixth Circuit nominee Amul Thapar:

When confirmed as federal judges, these nominees will be strong supporters of the rule of law, the Constitution, the separation of powers and federalism, and the proper role of the courts . . . . Currently, there are over one hundred vacancies in the federal courts that need to be filled by President Trump.  Fifty of these vacancies—nearly half—are classified as judicial emergencies by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, so prompt confirmation by the Senate is critical. 

“President Trump is to be commended for fulfilling his pledge to nominate highly qualified judges. As with Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch, the outstanding individuals nominated today will make a lasting impact for the rule of law. The Republican National Lawyers Association stands ready to support these nominees through the confirmation process,” said RNLA Chair Kimberly A. Reed.  

RNLA Co-Chair John Ryder agreed: “Once again, President Trump has demonstrated his commitment to a conservative, Constitutional approach to the law by nominating these judges. They are an exceptionally well-qualified group.”  

RNLA Executive Director Michael Thielen stated: “With Justice Gorsuch, President Trump more than delivered on his campaign promise to nominate a justice in the mold of Justice Scalia, and now he has extended that approach, which was endorsed by the American people at the polls last November, to lower court nominees as well.”

In his speech to the RNLA at the National Policy Conference last Friday (address begins at 35:25), White House Counsel Don McGahn announced that President Trump would be submitting additional judicial nominees to the Senate soon.  

The RNLA thanks President Trump for his commitment to nominating well-qualified lawyers who respect the rule of law and the Constitution to serve on the federal bench, and we look forward to supporting more superb nominees who are greatly needed on the bench in the coming months.