The RNLA was pleased to present Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt with the 2018 Ed Meese Award at its National Policy Conference on Friday:
Former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese III, for whom the award is named, stated: “Scott Pruitt is an outstanding public servant who has rendered extraordinary service first to the state of Oklahoma and now to the entire nation. His accomplishment in common-sense environmentalism is an example for all who are truly interested in conservation of resources and quality of life.”
RNLA First Vice President Manuel E. Iglesias, who will interview Administrator Pruitt after giving him the award, said: “Scott Pruitt has led the effort to restore the rule of law at the EPA, fighting to enforce existing laws while not enacting new regulations that will hurt hardworking Americans with little effect on the environment. While being constantly attacked by Democrats, liberals, and the media, he has been steadfast in his defense of transparency, regulatory reform, agency efficiency, due process, and cooperative federalism."
Administrator Pruitt was selected for his hard work to restore the rule of law to the Environmental Protection Agency under President Trump and his efforts to defend the rule of law and protect the role of states in our federalist system as the former Attorney General of Oklahoma. Administrator Pruitt has returned the EPA to its statutory mandates and limits, working tirelessly to undo the extralegal practices of the Obama Administration while under constant attack from the left.
Administrator Pruitt's discussion with RNLA First Vice President Manuel Iglesias may be viewed here. He emphasized the actions he has taken to restore the rule of law to the EPA and how clear rules will encourage a cleaner environment:
At a Republican National Lawyers Association meeting on Friday, Pruitt laid out what he hoped to accomplish at EPA in 2019. First, Pruitt mentioned finalizing the repeal of major Obama-era regulations.
“I anticipate the proposed redefining of ‘waters of the United States’ will come out here very soon, and we will finalize that by the end of the year,” Pruitt said at the event where he accepted an award. . . . In the upcoming year, Pruitt would also focus on less high-profile reforms to EPA’s permitting and reporting processes, he also told Republican lawyers.
“Just to give you one example, when I came in I asked the question of our team, ‘how long does it take us to go through the permitting process,'” Pruitt said. “And it wasn’t even measured. We didn’t even know.”
EPA has been developing a process “where the agency is going to be able to make a decision, up or down, on a permit within six months by the end of the year,” Pruitt added.
Congratulations to Administrator Pruitt on receiving the 2018 Ed Meese Award, and thank you for your efforts to protect the rule of law.