RNLA in The Federalist: Democrats’ Election Games Have One Thing In Common: Shifting Power From Voters To Party Bosses

The Republican National Lawyers Association President and Executive Director Michael Thielen exposes the Democrats' election schemes in a guest column for The Federalist. Thielen notes the liberal elites have designed a system that first and foremost keeps them in power.

From The Federalist:

Just about every election cycle, Democrats spring a new voting scheme on unsuspecting voters, each one more complicated than the last, with the predictable result of confusing voters and reducing confidence in the eventual results. This is all by design. Instead of earning voters’ loyalty, leftists would rather gain or maintain power by manipulating the election process however possible.


Democrat party bosses first and foremost want to stay in power, by any means necessary. For over 20 years, leftists have fought against popular reforms, such as voter ID requirements, and continuously promoted confusing new voting systems that tend to increase their control of the outcomes. Democrat and Republican voters alike should oppose these power grabs and make elections more open, honest, and fair. But leftists in power know that under those elections, they are more likely to lose. Don’t expect them to support those kinds of reforms anytime soon.  

Read the full guest column here.