2022 RNLA New Hampshire CLE Election Law Training
Live Zoom Course: 1 Hour of CLE Credit
Join the RNLA for a CLE training on New Hampshire election law featuring prominent legal experts from around the state. Learn how you can play a key role in ensuring the election process in New Hampshire is safeguarded and fair for all voters.
Tuesday, November 1
4:00 p.m. ET
Virtual Webinar
Zoom link will be provided.
As a lawyer, your engagement is crucial to upholding election integrity and ensuring candidates compete in a lawful and secure election.
Topics: Recent election law changes, absentee voting, poll watching, canvassing of ballots, post-election tabulation, recount preparation, and more.
Speakers: Thomas P. Colantuono, Bryan Gould and Bill O'Brien. Plus a post training political update.
**You will be required to complete a digital attendance verification form in order to receive CLE credit.**
Effective 7/1/16, Rule 53 was revised to address many requirements. As of 7/1/2014 the NHMCLE Board no longer pre-approves courses nor course providers for NHMCLE credit. Each attorney is responsible for determining whether a program is eligible for NHMCLE credit, based on the requirements in Supreme Court Rule 53.
Members should review Rule 53.1 for the stated Rule requirements.
Go to the NHMCLE webpage and use the link to the NHMCLE Member Guide which is based on past regulations and precedent decisions. If in doubt, leave it out. The NHMCLE office cannot advise you on making an interpretation as to whether a program is eligible or qualified, you must use your best judgement. Attorneys’ NHMCLE compliance reports will be subject to audits. If you decide to include a program, keep enough information about it to be able to justify its inclusion and substantiate your attendance. Proof of purchase is not proof of attendance.
RSVP Here for the Training
Click Here to Sign Up and Volunteer
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This event is off the record and closed to the press.
By attending this event, you agree not to audio or video record the speakers or anyone at this event at any time and not to share any portion of their remarks on social media or by any other mechanism.
The RNLA seeks to promote open, fair and honest elections at all levels of American society in a non-discriminatory manner and to provide access to the polls to all qualified and eligible voters.
This event is not a fundraiser. RNLA provides opportunities for its members to meet Republican leaders.