RNLA Members-Only Webinar
The Importance of the Legislative Filibuster and What a 50/50 Senate Means for the Republican Party
Join the RNLA for an in-depth discussion on the importance of the legislative filibuster and what a 50/50 Senate means for the Republican Party.
- Friday, January 29 at 3:00PM Eastern -
Featured Speakers:
Jim Neill, Policy Advisor
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell
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This event is off the record and closed to the press.
By attending this event, you agree not to audio or video record the speakers or anyone at this event at any time and not to share any portion of their remarks on social media or by any other mechanism.
The RNLA seeks to promote open, fair and honest elections at all levels of American society in a non-discriminatory manner and to provide access to the polls to all qualified and eligible voters.
This event is not a fundraiser. RNLA provides opportunities for its members to meet Republican leaders.
January 29, 2021 at 3:00pm - 3:30pm