The media just attempted to smear Justice Thomas again, but as is often the case, they came off as bluntly racist instead. In an article written about Rep. Jim Clyburn's influence on President Joe Biden's pick to replace Justice Stephen Breyer on the Supreme Court, reporters Cleve R. Wootson Jr. and Marianna Sotomayor wrote (emphasis added):
Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-Miss.), a friend and ally of Clyburn's for over 30 years, said even Clyburn's critics respect his political instincts and his connection with a valuable but often disappointed subset of Democratic voters.
"Nobody that I'm aware of feels that opposing Clyburn's nomination would be the wise thing to do," he said. "If you know that a person has been vetted by Jim Clyburn, you know that person won't go to the court and end up being a Clarence Thomas," referring to the Black justice whose rulings often resemble the thinking of White conservatives.
That's right, reporters in 2022 are insinuating that Justice Thomas' rulings are somehow too "White" for a Black Justice. Really?
So the Washington Post just casually refers to Clarence Thomas as an Uncle Tom and it's just something that the rest of the journalists just let happen without speaking out. It's just a thing that happens and they are fine with it.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) February 17, 2022
A truly vile smear of Justice Thomas by the Washington Post—sick & openly bigoted.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) February 17, 2022
The corporate media doesn’t try to hide their Leftist racism.
There are so many layers as to why the "news" article's assertion against Justice Thomas was insulting:
[T]o say that Thomas’ work “resembles” that of “White conservatives” carries the inference that Thomas’ work is not just subordinate to but also derivative of white thinkers. Again, this is outrageous. Thomas’ rulings “resemble” nobody else’s. Thomas writes in distinctive prose with forceful logic and rigorous scholarship, creating a style that is readily identifiable for clarity and its rare combination of intellectual thoroughness with succinctness.
This is all par for the course from leftist self-styled elites. For them, race is a defining characteristic, and minorities who do not think according to the Left’s assumptions about how they should think are assumed to be doing the white man’s bidding. These assumptions are pervasive in establishment media and academia, but they should be offensive to blacks and whites alike. They are assumptions that subsume individuality to race. In sum, they are, by the appropriate definition, textbook “racism.”
But the article was especially insulting in light of the Left's obsession with the race of the next Supreme Court Justice:
It is insulting that The Washington Post and so many others, such as President Joe Biden who significantly reduced his search for a qualified SCOTUS nominee based on racist and sexist standards, think it is acceptable to define the intelligence, honesty, or patriotism of someone, especially a Supreme Court justice, by his skin color.
WaPo’s attempt to insult Thomas not only exposes the corporate media outlet’s hatred for what it deems to be “white conservative” politics but claims that anyone who earns the respect of conservatives through hard and admirable work must somehow be of the same disgusting breed.
Justice Thomas has faced smears from the Left because of his race since he was nominated 30 years ago.
30 years later Justice Thomas still isn't allowed to think for himself.
— JCN (@judicialnetwork) February 17, 2022
Leftists at the Washington Post are trying to bully Justice Clarence Thomas again. When will they learn this doesn’t work? He’s his own man. His commitment to the Constitution and his judicial independence drive the left mad. He is a treasure to our nation.
— Mike Lee (@SenMikeLee) February 17, 2022
The Washington Post has issued a "clarification" and removed the offending sentence. As we detailed earlier this week, the Left thinks they can just "apologize" to make their offense go away just like then-Senator Joe Biden did 30 years ago after knowingly lying about Justice Thomas' character during his confirmation hearing.
This will likely not the be last time Justice Thomas is smeared for being a Black conservative.