After years of ignoring vote fraud within New York City and state,The New York Times finally wrote a story on it, in Texas. Of course, the story was incredibly biased and instead was, again, only written to make it harder for vote fraud to be prosecuted.
From a journalistic standpoint, the story is flawed. Keep in mind a jury, who, unlike The New York Times, was there for the entire trial, convicted Rosa Ortega. Yet the Times story features a picture of her family and lawyer and focuses on her side of the case: "She said in court that she had not known she was ineligible to vote and was confused by registration forms and explanations by election officials."
A side the jury did not find persuasive. As was reported elsewhere: “The jury took a few hours to find her guilty on both counts.”
While the Times focuses on Oretega's alleged confusion, the jury clearly put more weight on other matters. For example (emphasis ours):
The Tarrant County indictment stated that she voted in the November 2012 General Election and the May 2014 Primary Run-off, knowing she was not eligible to vote because she is not a U.S. citizen. Ortega had previously applied to vote, but Tarrant County officials rejected her application because she admitted on the form to non-citizen status when asked. She filled out an application five months later and alleged she was a citizen.
Obviously the jury did not feel this was a confused person but rather a person who knew what she was doing and was trying to get around the law. She was a person who changed her citizenship answer after she was rejected and told she was ineligible.
The Times briefly quotes the Assistant AG in the case:
Jonathan White, an assistant attorney general who helped prosecute the Ortega case with Tarrant County officials, said the evidence of fraud was unambiguous. “She told the elections office she was a citizen,” he said. “She told everyone else she wasn’t,” including a recorded statement to prosecutors in which she said she was a citizen of Mexico.
The jury obviously believed the prosecutors.
Regardless, the national focus the Times gives this story is in stark contrast to its stance on vote fraud locally. The New York Times has ignored vote fraud in its own neighborhood for years. It has become comical how it ignores vote fraud. Here are just a few examples:
ICMYI: NY Ballot Box Stuff Scheme Now Importing People from Israel
More on NY Vote Fraud Scandal, Apartment Manager Vote Fraud?
Hard to Tell Where the Incompetence Ends and the Fraud Begins
Police Prove How Easy it is to Impersonate Voters in Hometown of Vote Fraud Deniers
Brazen Voting Fraud Alleged Among Ultra-Orthodox In Williamsburg
We could even list the vote fraud in New York by famous New Yorkers such as Al Sharpton and Geraldine Ferraro if we went back further. Vote fraud is rampant in New York and instead of covering it, they present a biased view of one case in Texas.
Fake News?