As we talked about previously, liberals are throwing every ridiculous charge imaginable at Brett Kavanaugh, hoping something sticks. But while those efforts are failing, another side of Kavanaugh is coming out.
As Amy Chua of the Yale Law School’s Clerkships Committee in an Op Ed entitled “Kavanaugh is a Mentor to Women”:
Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s jurisprudence will appropriately be dissected in the months ahead. I’d like to speak to a less well-known side of the Supreme Court nominee: his role as a mentor for young lawyers, particularly women. The qualities he exhibits with his clerks may provide important evidence about the kind of justice he would be.
To a person, they described his extraordinary mentorship. “When I accepted his offer to clerk,” one woman wrote, “I had no idea I was signing up for a lifelong mentor who feels an enduring sense of responsibility for each of his clerks.” Another said: “I can’t imagine making a career decision without his advice.” And another: “He’s been an incredible mentor to me despite the fact that I’m a left-of-center woman. He always takes into account my goals rather than giving generic advice.”
These days the press is full of stories about powerful men exploiting or abusing female employees. That makes it even more striking to hear Judge Kavanaugh’s female clerks speak of his decency and his role as a fierce champion of their careers.
If the judge is confirmed, my daughter will probably be looking for a different clerkship. But for my own daughter, there is no judge Iwould trust more than Brett Kavanaugh to be, in one former clerk’s words, “a teacher, advocate, and friend.”
The Washington Times has a similar story.
Kavanaugh does not do these things for attention. The Daily Caller caught him making good on a previous obligation without fanfare or press:
But amidst the chaos of the confirmation fight, Kavanaugh took a moment to do something incredibly human.
A passerby spotted the new Supreme Court nominee on her way home from work Wednesday night, and sent these pictures to The Daily Caller News Foundation. Kavanaugh was serving meals to the homeless outside Catholic Charities in downtown Washington, less than 48 hours after he was tapped to succeed Justice Anthony Kennedy. . . .
A fellow volunteer confirmed that the judge signed up for the event some time ago and chose to keep the date, developments in his professional life notwithstanding.
There are more of these stories out there from those who know him, but those who don’t will continue to cry and gnash their teeth. How bad is the other side? The satirical hastag #BrettKavanaughScandals is out there making fun of them. The bottom line is Brett Kavanuagh is a good person who will make a great Supreme Court Justice.