Top Election Leaders to Headline the 16th RNLA National Election Law Seminar

This year, the RNLA is hosting it's 16th National Election Law Seminar in Grand Rapids, Michigan with an all-star lineup of speakers on August 4th and 5th.  Here are some highlights of recent articles written by some of the speakers that they will likely be discussing during this year's Seminar:

Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman, Republican National Committee

Hans von Spakovsky, Senior Legal Fellow, The Heritage Foundation

Rudy Takala, Opinion Editor, The Hill

Eric Wang, Special Counsel, Wiley Rein LLP

Randy Berholz, Counsel to Election Integrity Project California

For a full list of speakers and Seminar topics, please click here.  To more information and to register for the National Election Law Seminar, please click here