165 Trump Judges Confirmed

With the confirmation of Robert Luck to the Eleventh Circuit today, 165 of President Trump's superb judicial nominees have been confirmed by the Senate.  These judges who support and respect the rule of law and interpret the text of the Constitution as written are changing the federal courts.  As Carrie Severino writes:

Today, yet another one of President Trump’s judicial nominees, Robert Luck, was confirmed to the Eleventh Circuit.  Luck’s confirmation follows that of Steven Menashi, who last Thursday was confirmed to the Second Circuit. Mr. Menashi and Mr. Luck are the 46th and 47th federal court of appeals judges appointed by President Trump, respectively.  And with the confirmation of Menashi, the Second Circuit has flipped from majority Democrat-appointed active judges to majority Republican-appointed active judges.

And that’s not all: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has also filed for cloture (to end debate) on the nomination Barbara Lagoa, who is nominated to the Eleventh Circuit. Upon Lagoa’s confirmation, the Eleventh Circuit will likewise flip, as Lagoa succeeds Judge Stanley Marcus, a Clinton appointee.

Finally, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a markup on Thursday and is expected to vote on the nominations of Lawrence VanDyke and Patrick Bumatay, both nominated to the Ninth Circuit.

Tomorrow, the Senate will vote on the 166th, the nomination of Justice Barbara Lagoa to serve on the Eleventh Circuit:

Thanks to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham, and Republican senators for prioritizing, against all the delays and obstruction of the Democrats, the confirmation of these judges committed to the rule of law.