Last week, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that the Department of Justice would be expanding its voting rights staff to directly oppose GOP efforts seeking to enact state voting laws that promote fair and honest elections. As a piece by RedState put it:
[Garland] made it clear that the work of DOJ would be to advance the causes and interests of the Democrat Party for the purpose of improving its chances at the ballot box. . .
Garland’s speech announced that DOJ would take up a “rear guard” action to protect Democrat-supported election rigging schemes from being rolled back by state legislatures.
Garland made it clear it would be the mission of the Biden Justice Department to put a stop to all that.
One of the most alarming parts of Garland's plan involves pushing back against the Supreme Court's decision in Shelby County by enacting a new pre-clearance policy that will likely resemble the old policy in Section 5 of the Voting Right Act that the Supreme Court struck down. The Washington Post reported:
The plan is also needed, [Garland] said, because of the landmark 2013 Supreme Court case Shelby County v. Holder, which struck down key provisions of the Voting Rights Act that required some jurisdictions to seek Justice Department approval before changing voting practices and laws.
Although Congress is considering a new measure, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, which would replace the pre-clearance provisions struck down in Shelby, “we will not wait for that legislation to act,” he said.
Garland said the Justice Department will do what it did before the 1965 legislation passed: It will scrutinize laws and practices county by county and state by state to ensure all voters have equal access to the franchise.
Garland's announcement comes as the full Senate prepares to consider its version of the Corrupt Politicians Act next week.
The so-called For the People Act is a partisan takeover of our elections that seeks a government of the Democrats, by the Democrats, and for the Democrats.
— Tom Cotton (@SenTomCotton) June 16, 2021
No surprise here. @Twitter is editorializing again. The radical Left & big tech will do whatever it takes to push their agenda.
— Rick Scott (@SenRickScott) June 15, 2021
Here's the facts:
Americans support Voter ID.
Americans don't want millions of their tax $$$ spent on campaigns & attack ads.
Americans reject S.1
Our election system is strong because it's diverse.
— Senator Roy Blunt (@RoyBlunt) June 15, 2021
But S.1 would allow Washington bureaucrats to force their single, partisan view of elections on more than 10,000 jurisdictions across the country – taking control away from state and local officials who are closest to voters.
To learn more about the looming fight against the Corrupt Politicians Act in the Senate, join RNLA for a webinar this Friday at 2:00 p.m. ET. Register here today!