Pennsylvania Redistricting - Impeach PA Supreme Court Justices for Violating the PA Constitution?

Late last month, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued a ruling that congressional redistricting maps drawn after the 2010 census and in use for the last 3 election cycles (2012, 2014, and 2016) violated the Pennsylvania  Constitution.

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MVA v. Mansky: Minnesota's Political Apparel Ban Is Facially Overbroad Without Advancing Government Interests

RNLA member Ken Klukowski wrote a piece for last month's SCOTUSblog symposium on Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Mansky.  Mr. Klukowski analyzes how the Supreme Court will likely apply the controlling precedent, Burson v. Freeman (1992), which did not have a majority opinion, in light of current First Amendment doctrine and subsequent decisions regarding evidentiary burdens when applying strict scrutiny.  

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DOJ Announces New Cybersecurity Task Force

Three Upcoming Free Speech Cases at the Supreme Court

Today, The Heritage Foundation hosted a panel on three important, upcoming free speech cases at the Supreme Court.  Key points from the attorneys representing the challengers are below.  The entire presentation is fascinating and can be viewed here (starting at 14:50).

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Lee Goodman: Happy Warrior for the First Amendment on the FEC

Yesterday was Republican Commissioner Lee Goodman's last day on the Federal Election Commission.  RNLA Vice President for Election Education David Warrington described some of his accomplishments, fighting to protect First Amendment rights and the rule of law, on the FEC in The Hill:

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The Senate Blue Slip Saga Continues

Senate Democrats continue to wish that the blue slip courtesy was a rule of the Senate. However, it is not a formal rule--never was a rule--just a courtesy to advise the Senate Judiciary Committee.

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More Liberal Voter Suppression: This Time Military Voters

The liberal Center for American Progress has issued studies and claimed to be against voter suppression.  Yet, they have remained silent about the real voter suppression occurring in Philadelphia and now, even worse, they are actively advocating suppression of the military vote. 

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New Excellent Judicial Nominees Show White House Cooperation with Senators

Despite the media's constant attempts to undermine the Trump presidency, it is undeniable that judicial nominations continue to be a resounding success for those who value the rule of law and respect for the text of the law.  Prof. Jonathan Adler wrote for The Volokh Conspiracy:

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Reflections on Justice Scalia on the Two-Year Anniversary of His Death

Today marks two years since Justice Antonin Scalia unexpectedly passed from this Earth.  His impact on the legal world was immense, as he was instrumental in returning to a focus on a law's text. 

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DHS Responds to Media's Sensationalism on Russian Election Interference

Last week, NBC News ran a "news" story that was picked up by other outlets about how the Russians had penetrated U.S. voter systems.  The only problem?  This "news" was released last summer, when National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) Assistant Secretary for the Office of Cybersecurity and Communications Jeanette Manfra testified before Congress about attempts to access state voter registration systems.  Today, Ms. Manfra issued an official statement rebuking NBC News' misleading reporting:

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