Democrats continued their healthcare forum during today's confirmation hearing for Judge Amy Coney Barrett. This came despite:
Judge Barrett correctly says that Obamacare case currently before the Supreme Court turns on the issue of severability, which was not an issue in the previous ACA cases. Someone should tell the Democrats.
— RNLA ⚖️ (@TheRepLawyer) October 13, 2020
Barrett asks, “What sane person person would go through [this] process without a clear benefit on the other side?” The benefit she says, is the rule of law and an opportunity to serve her country.
— Gabby Orr (@GabbyOrr_) October 13, 2020
Judge Barrett did a good job answering legitimate questions from the committee members and not answering questions where appropriate:
Judge Barrett cites Justice Kagan in refusing to commit to positions on cases or controversies before the court. @SenFeinstein presses her for answers which she did not to Justice Kagan. #DoubleStandard #ConfirmAmy
— RNLA ⚖️ (@TheRepLawyer) October 13, 2020
Judge Barrett - it's Congress' job to pass statutes and choose policy. It's the judge's job to apply those laws to particular cases, not to choose her own policy preferences. #ConfirmAmy #ConfirmACB
— RNLA ⚖️ (@TheRepLawyer) October 13, 2020
The hearings did have a couple of big moments for non-lawyers. The first showcased the fact that Judge Barrett will be the only parent with minority children on the Supreme Court. While Senator Durbin tried to play "gotcha" with Judge Barrett, the effort backfired because she drew on her experiences as a mom to answer some of the most difficult questions asked of her:
Durbin just set up a question that resulted in one of the best moments for Barrett. Asked about what she felt in watching the George Floyd video, Barrett said it had a huge impact on her as the mother to two black children. She said that she wept with her children over the video.
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) October 13, 2020
Today's other big moment showcased Judge Barrett's intellect:
Amy Coney Barrett shows a blank note pad when @JohnCornyn asks her to "hold up what you've been referring to when answering our questions."
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) October 13, 2020
Cornyn: "Is there anything on it?"
ACB: "That letterhead that says United States Senate."
While Judge Barrett was brilliant and hit a home run, Democrat Senators struck out. Three Senators had major "strikes" against Democrats' credibility.
First strike, Senator Richard Blumenthal lied:
During his questioning of Amy Coney Barrett, Senator Richard Blumenthal claimed that the nominee had admitted in her dissent in Kanter v. Barr — a case that revolved around the gun rights of a convicted non-violent felon — that her position sounded “radical.”
When Barrett gently challenged Blumenthal, saying she didn’t recall ever having written those words, the senator assured her, more than once, that she had.
As with many thing Blumenthal says, this was untrue
Then there was Senator Hirono with strike two. Trust us, we are mild in our tweet compared to others.
.@maziehirono gets lost in her own argument. Despite reading from notes. Ironically, Judge Barrett has never lost her train of thought despite no notes. #ConfirmAmy
— RNLA ⚖️ (@TheRepLawyer) October 13, 2020
The third strike came from Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, who is obsessed with Dark Money. Unfortunately for him, Senator Cruz followed him:
Today my colleague on the Left gave an impassioned speech about corporate interests spending dark money.
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) October 13, 2020
Here are some facts he left out:
-The top 20 Super PAC donors contributed $422M to Dems vs. $189M to GOP
-Contributions from Wall Street overwhelmingly favor Biden & Dems
Great job Judge Barrett. You are a role model for all conservatives.