Yesterday, the U.S. Senate Committee on Rules and Administration held a hearing on the nomination of Donald Palmer to serve as a Commissioner on the Election Assistance Commission. This is a prestigious appointment for Mr. Palmer who has already had a career of prestige, integrity, and honor. Currently, Mr. Palmer wears multiple hats including serving as a fellow at the Bipartisan Policy Center. Mr. Palmer’s career in public service has been extensive, serving as a Naval Reserve Officer, serving as a trial attorney at the Department of Justice, serving as the Director of Elections in Florida, and acting as Secretary of the State Board of Elections in Virginia.
During Mr. Palmer’s hearing on Wednesday, he spoke about his commitment to public service and the Constitution by stating:
In my career of public service with the Navy, Department of Justice, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the State of Florida, I have been guided not just by that oath to defend the Constitution but in the area of voting, the administration or oversight of an election is a sacred duty greater than oneself.
Additionally, Mr. Palmer values the opportunity to be a public servant in the area of elections, stating:
The exercise of democracy is temporarily entrusted in your hands for the length of time you are responsible for it, and the principles of democracy and justice are greater than the singular success of any political party or candidate who may win or lose an individual race.
Lastly, Mr. Palmer spoke at length about his appreciation for the opportunity to serve as a Commissioner on the EAC, by speaking of the value and importance of the EAC and his priorities if confirmed.
The EAC will have an opportunity to continue the process of developing new voluntary voting system standards with state and local election officials, NIST, and other stakeholders who are involved in the advisory board standards process. Together, we can provide increased security, usability, and accessibility to American voters for future elections.
Needless to say, Mr. Palmer has a passion to serve his country and will continue to do so as the next EAC Commissioner. The RNLA congratulates Mr. Palmer on his nomination.