Eric “Wingman” Holder's Hypocrisy in Attacking AG Barr, Republicans

This week, former Attorney General Eric Holder has made incredibly hypocritical comments.  While many politicians are guilty of hubris, few take it to the level that Eric Holder has done.

First, Holder attacked current Attorney General William Barr.  Holder expressed concern about Barr not being "neutral." This is especially ironic since Holder bragged he was President Obama’s "wingman."  He said this multiple times, including in 2013:  “I’m still the President’s wing-man, so I’m there with my boy.”

Further, General Barr has been incredibly transparent, as shown by his release of the Mueller report, which he did not have to do.  Meanwhile, Holder refused to release Fast and Furious documents.  As Beth Baumann wrote in article in Townhall entitled Ironic Much? Eric Holder Has a Word of Advice For Bill Barr About 'Appearing Neutral':

Holder came under fire for Operation Fast and Furious, where the Department of Justice knowingly allowed "gunwalking" to take place. The DOJ purposely allowed the ATF to approve firearms sales to known straw purchasers as a means of tracking the guns to Mexican drug cartels. Hundreds of guns were sold, lost track of and later used in crimes in Mexico. One was also used to kill Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. 

Holder was never neutral, especially not when it came to Fast and Furious. If he was, he would have taken responsibility for what happened, not try to deflect. Before he starts telling others how to act, he might want to look in the mirror and do some self reflecting.

This is just one of many examples.  Holder also took Stacey Abrams' side, accusing Republicans of “cheating” in elections.  This is especially incredible as during Holder’s time, he oversaw the dismissal of the voter intimidation case against the New Black Panthers and the IRS scandal denying and delaying conservative/libertarian tea party groups' tax-exempt status. 

But this is not all: Holder also talked about Trump pardoning himself.  While Holder was Deputy Attorney General in the Clinton Administration, he was the key figure in the Mark Rich pardoning scandal.  As liberal Salon wrote in a 2013 article entitled How Eric Holder Facilitated the Most Unjust Presidential Pardon in American History (emphasis added):

What many don’t recall is that Attorney General Eric Holder, who was then a deputy attorney general, was instrumental in securing Rich’s pardon.

Rich was a pioneering commodities trader who made billions dealing in oil and other goods. He had a habit of dealing with nations with which trade was embargoed, like Iran, Libya, Cuba, and apartheid South Africa. Rich also had a habit of not paying his taxes, to the point where one observer said that “Marc Rich is to asset concealment what Babe Ruth was to baseball.” The United States indicted Rich in 1983, hitting him with charges—tax evasion, wire fraud, racketeering, trading with the enemy—that could’ve brought life in prison. Rich fled the country. . .

Finally, in 2000, he saw some return on his efforts. Eric Holder was the key man. As deputy AG, Holder was in charge of advising the president on the merits of various petitions for pardon. Jack Quinn, a lawyer for Rich, approached Holder about clemency for his client. Quinn was a confidant of Al Gore, then a candidate for president; Holder had ambitions of being named attorney general in a Gore administration. A report from the House Committee on Government Reform on the Rich debacle later concluded that Holder must have decided that cooperating in the Rich matter could pay dividends later on.  . . .

In the words of the committee report, “it is difficult to believe that Holder’s judgment would be so monumentally poor that he could not understand how he was being manipulated by Jack Quinn.” And presidential pardons don’t just slip through like this, especially not pardons of wanted fugitives. If Holder had followed protocols and made sure the Justice Department was looped in, there’s no way that Rich would have been pardoned.

“Wingman” Holder's hypocrisy is nearly unique in the legal and political professions.  He criticizes and attacks Barr and Republicans for what he did or allowed to happen.