Litigation Update: RNC Victories in IA, OH, ME, AZ, NH, & NC

The prevailing narrative pushed by the Left is that the expansion of vote-by-mail should take place indiscriminately without additional safeguards to protect against fraud.

In response, the Republican National Committee has been fighting to preserve the integrity of our elections. Just last week, the RNC experienced victories in Arizona, Iowa, Maine, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Ohio.

● Arizona: On Friday, the Supreme Court announced that it will be reviewing a state law which bans the practice of ballot harvesting. Earlier this year, lower federal courts struck down the law. As a result of the Court's decision, the law will remain in effect for November's election.

● Iowa: In an opinion release last Monday, an Iowa District Court judge upheld an Iowa law that prevents county auditors from filling in missing information on absentee ballot applications.

● Maine: Last Wednesday, a judge declined to extend the state's absentee ballot return deadline and other last-minute changes citing the "severe disruption" it would cause to November's election.

● New Hampshire: On Friday, a Hillsborough Superior Court judge upheld the state's absentee ballot deadline, ballot harvesting restrictions, and postage requirements for ballots. 

● North Carolina: On Friday, a federal judge suspended new absentee ballot rules that would have loosened the state's witness requirement and extended return deadlines.

● Ohio: In an opinion issued on September 27th, a federal judge upheld the state's signature verification process for absentee ballots.

Why do we as Republicans care so much about the last-minute expansion of vote-by-mail? 

It opens up the electoral system to exponentially more fraud than normal.

As Federal Election Commission Chairman Trey Trainor wrote in the National Review:

On the surface, “vote-by-mail” sounds like a quick and easy way for every registered voter to participate in our democracy. In reality, it opens the U.S. to fraudulent elections on a massive scale that will probably result in invalid results, contested elections, and delays lasting weeks, if not months.

Chairman Trainor continued:

In recent decades, legislatures and courts have made voting easy, particularly early voting. Now, there is an election season culminating in an “Election Day.” Mail-in balloting means that fewer results are verifiable. An all or mostly “vote-by-mail” election, as we’ve repeatedly witnessed, turns almost every Election Day into a lengthy and chaotic mess. For example, voting by mail without requiring a signature that matches the original registration card means there is no proof that the correct ballot was sent to the voter.

To learn more about litigation that Republican National Committee and the Trump Campaign are currently involved in, visit