The Trump VP Vetting Process

There is currently a high level of excitement and speculation surrounding potential running mates for the presumptive Republican Presidential Nominee Donald J. Trump. While no one outside the inner circle knows for sure what is going to happen, those who attended the RNLA National Policy Conference in 2009 received an inside look at the vetting process in an address by former Reagan White House Counsel Arthur B. Culvahouse, Jr., who is also in charge of the Trump VP vetting process.  

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Reactions to FBI Statement on Hillary Clinton's Email Server

"Let me repeat what I have repeated for many months now," [Hillary] Clinton responded. "I never received nor sent any material that was marked classified."

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Obama's Lawyer Doesn't Believe the 1st Amendment Applies to Fox News!

Fox News Targeted by FEC Democrats for Allowing Candidates a Forum to Speak on Issues

Democrats in federal agencies continue the assault on the rights of U.S. citizens by forcing partisan policy through executive actions and regulatory overreach in place of actual legislation or the rule of law. The separation of powers has never been more crucial in our history than it is right now because of the recent regulation trends. As a citizen, regardless of your party affiliation, you should be paying extremely close attention to the Obama administration's continued attempts to circumnavigate and regulate the greatest of all of our freedoms: the freedom of speech.

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Donald Trump's Judicial Nominees - A Blog Series - Part 1

On May 18, 2016, Donald Trump released a list of eleven names that he would consider as Supreme Court nominees. The list has been heralded as a who’s who of some of the best conservative judges in the country. We are going to be spending some time on this blog looking at the candidates.

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Justice Thomas Defends the Rule of Law

In his dissent to the Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt opinion yesterday, Justice Thomas delivered a strong defense of the rule of law (citations omitted):

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Unanimous Supreme Court Rejects "Unrestrained Power for Prosecutors"

This is yet another case in a series of recent cases that we have discussed on this blog indicating a dangerous trend of politicizing justice. It has continued to be a favorite tactic utilized by the left while attempting to silence those with differing opinions. We discussed it when groups attempted to enforce the law of the land , again when the left went after Rick Perry,  then when a leftist AG harassed non-profits involved in scientific research, once again with the current DOJ attorney’s ethics violations in U.S. v. Texas and finally in the Planned Parenthood allegations against David Daleiden.

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Want to Address Your Legislature? Bring a Checkbook

Given the state’s lengthy history of disdain for federal overreach and several attempted secessions, Texas is the last place in America where you would envision freedom of speech being limited. Yet, that is exactly what has been happening since 1993 according to an article recently published by RNLA Member Joe Nixon on

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Fourth Circuit Hears Oral Arguments on North Carolina Voter ID Law and Other Election Integrity Reforms

Update from Del. Rob Bell on Virginia Felon Voting Litigation

Yesterday, Delegate Rob Bell shared insights into the litigation challenging Governor Terry McAuliffe's blanket restoration of felon voting rights with RNLA lawyer volunteers.  We have covered Gov. McAuliffe's order and its aftermath here, here, here, and here.

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