Democrat Elites Would Kill Democracy in Order to “Save” It

In the days since President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance, Democrat Party elites are trying every which way they can to get Joe off the ticket. The so-called “save democracy” party, which claims to fight for voter rights, is literally trying to disenfranchise the 14 million voters who cast a vote for Biden in the Democrat primaries earlier this year. Despite the obvious hypocrisy, party leaders are still considering nullifying those primary votes and imposing a candidate of their choosing.

House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi continues  to withhold her full-throated support for the ailing president. She told MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski  this week  it is up to Biden to decide whether or not to remain in the race. “I want him to do whatever he decides to do,” Pelosi said.

Carl Bernstein told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that his sources indicate Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is privately “frustrated with the whole situation, especially the way the White House, Biden, and the First Family have dug in and said there is no more discussion of this.”

The party bosses appear unmoved by President Biden’s  impassioned letter addressed to his “Fellow Democrats”in Congress. In it, Biden lectures them on the importance of respecting the democratic process. 

From Biden’s letter to Members of Congress:

“We had a Democratic nomination process and the voters have spoken clearly and decisively. I received over 14 million votes, 87% of the votes cast across the entire nominating process. I have nearly 3,900 delegates, making me the presumptive nominee of our party by a wide margin.“The voters of the Democratic Party have voted. They have chosen me to be the nominee of the party.“Do we now just say this process didn’t matter? That the voters don’t have a say?“I decline to do that. I feel a deep obligation to the faith and the trust the voters of the Democratic Party have placed in me to run this year. It was their decision to make. The voters - and the voters alone - decide the nominee of the Democratic Party. How can we stand for Democracy in our nation if we ignore it in our own party? I cannot do that. I will not do that.”

Biden doesn’t need to make a legal argument for why Democrats are stuck with him - it is a moral one. The party running to “save democracy” cannot disregard the will of its own voters. 

Biden is forcing the issue by telling Democrats that if they are truly the party to “save democracy,” they must respect the voters. To do otherwise destroys their raison d'etre.

Republican National Committee Co-Chair Lara Trump said as much in an interview with Fox Business News’ Maria Bartiromo. She said attempting to remove Biden from the ticket “is literally going against our democratic process here in this country. 

“If they decide right here in the eleventh hour to plug somebody else in, and it’s not Kamala Harris, I can’t think of a bigger assault to our democratic process,” Trump warned.

Professor Jonathan Turley added his thoughts about the Democrats’ conundrum in a recent column:

A proposal is circulating in Washington to dump President Joe Biden and hold a “blitz primary” to choose a replacement. The proposal is the work of Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown University law professor who worked in the Obama and Clinton administrations, and Ted Dintersmith, a venture capitalist and education philanthropist. The proposal is gaining support with party insiders and repeats the hyperbolic claim that this is essential to avoid a “democracy-ending defeat.” It is disappointing to see a law professor repeating this unfounded alarmist claim. Yet, the most glaring contradiction is found in the stated desire to give delegates a choice after the party worked to prevent any choice for voters in state primaries.The authors proclaim that “we can limp to shameful, avoidable democracy-ending defeat. Or Democrats can make this Our Finest Hour.

Removing Biden from the ticket would blow up any remaining credibility Democrats may still have on “saving democracy.” Turley points out the party’s track record on that has been growing worse, not better, over the course of this election, “[L]ast year, Democratic secretaries of state were trying to remove Trump from 2024 ballots and Democratic leaders in Florida, North Carolina and other states were refusing to allow other candidates to run against Biden in their primaries.” 

Earlier this year in a guest column for The Federalist, Republican National Lawyers Association President and Executive Director Michael Thielen cataloged even more examples of Democrat Party bosses quashing democracy:

An egregious example of this took place earlier this year in New Hampshire, where the office of the state attorney general ended up issuing a cease-and-desist order to Democratic National Committee (DNC) officials for purportedly violating state voter suppression laws. Party bosses, who wanted South Carolina to be the first Democrat primary in the nation, bumped the presidential primaries in New Hampshire and Iowa down on the calendar after claiming the latter’s caucuses were “too white and too undemocratic.” When New Hampshire went forward with a January primary anyway, in accordance with state law, the DNC instructed the state party to tell voters their votes would be “meaningless” if they voted on Jan. 23, rather than on the DNC’s preferred primary date later in the year.According to The Federalist, “in his cease-and-desist order to the DNC, Assistant Attorney General Brendan O’Donnell underscored how ‘[f]alsely telling New Hampshire voters that a New Hampshire election is ‘meaningless’ violates New Hampshire voter suppression laws,’ and further ordered the organization to stop engaging in such ‘unlawful’ conduct.”On Saturday, New Hampshire Democrats fell in line with the DNC bosses by holding a “firehouse” primary that complied with the DNC rules. According to Politico, “dozens of New Hampshire Democrats showed up in an effort to regain their status within the party and earn back their 24 delegates.”This is just one of the many ways Democrat Party elites have schemed to disenfranchise their own voters in the primary and Republican voters in the general elections.

Democrat Party bosses cannot push Biden aside and expect voters to believe they are the party that will “save democracy.” Biden’s letter to his fellow Democrats in Congress forces them to either  choose him or forever be known as the party that “killed democracy” while campaigning under the banner of “saving” it.