Today's Hearing Was a "Disgusting and Offensive" Comparison to Jim Crow by Dems

On Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing about recent state election reforms across the country. The title of the hearing itself was an offensive and insensitive characterization of the reforms, saying they are a repeat of the discriminatory voting laws in the Jim Crow South.

The testimony of Representative Burgess Owens underscores just how "disgusting and offensive" the Democrats' rhetoric is.

Much of the hearing focussed on Georgia's new election law. Despite essentially being fact checked in real time, Democrat members of the Committee and their witnesses continued to spread false information about the law. As Georgia Speaker Pro Tempore Jan Jones noted during the hearing, "If you say something often enough, however inaccurate it is, people will tend to believe it."

Senator Lee confronted Senator Durbin directly after Senator Durbin implied that Republicans had assumed the position of segregationist era Democrats.

Senator Warnock, appearing as a witness, also mischaracterized Republicans in the context of history.

A secondary focus of today's hearing was "The Corrupt Politicians Act" and the threatened federal takeover of our elections. The main witness on this issue, New Hampshire's Democrat Secretary of State Bill Gardner, highlighted how his state's election system would be upended if the proposed legislation passes.

Of note, one of the Democrats' witnesses, Stacey Abrams, still won't admit she lost Georgia's 2018 gubernatorial race.

Democrats want to fundamentally change the election system in the United States, and they're creating a false narrative about state election laws to help them do it.