A major piece of news happened yesterday, or at least it should be news. Foreign actors have changed ZERO votes on American voting machines. The Committee on House Administration held a hearing entitled: 2020 Election Security-Perspectives From Voting System Vendors and Experts. In a panel of the three manufacturers of virtually all the voting machines in the United States, the following exchange happened (emphasis added):
Ranking Member Rodney Davis (R-IL): To your knowledge, has a foreign state ever successfully breached or hacked your vote tallying election machines?
Mr. Tom Burt, President and CEO, Election Systems & Software, Omaha, NE: No
Mr. John Poulos, President and CEO, Dominion Voting Systems, Denver, CO: No
Ms. Julie Mathis, President and CEO, Hart InterCivic, Austin, TX: No
Rep. Davis: What then was the primary target of our foreign adversaries in the 2016 election?
Mr. Burt: Well, Ranking Member, I think there are potentially differing public views on that but what I can say, as you asked a minute ago, we’ve no evidence that our voting systems have been tampered with in any way.
[The other industry leaders agreed.]
Donald Trump won the 2016 election. It was not hacked. All the manufactures of voting machines confirmed that. Moreover, this helps put the lie to Democrats' attempt to use the myth about hacking to push through wide-raging, partisan election reform legislation that benefits them and not the voters, such as HR 1. Thank you, Rep. Davis, for again exposing the truth of what did and did not happen in 2016.