Highlights of President Trump's Re-election Announcement on Judges

President Donald Trump gave a rousing speech announcing his reelection tonight.  Here are a few highlights on one of President Trump's greatest accomplishments in his first two years...

"I will soon have appointed my 145th  judge. President Obama was very nice to us.  He did not fill the positions.  . . . We just finished number 107, already approved and sitting on the bench.  How about that!  By the time we are finished with the rest, we will have a record percentage, except for one person. . . His name is George Washington. George has 100%.  Well he was first!"

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Supreme Court Politics: Roberts is Right and House Democrats are Wrong

Supreme Court decisions are not based on whether a Republican or Democrat President appointed the Justice. Chief Justice John Roberts made that clear in his statements in a recent Washington Post article entitled “Chief justice tries to assure the Supreme Court is apolitical, but term’s biggest cases present partisan challenges:

“We do not sit on opposite sides of an aisle, we do not caucus in separate rooms, we do not serve one party or one interest, we serve one nation,” Roberts told an audience at the University of Minnesota in October.

He repeated the message at Belmont University in Nashville in February. “People need to know we’re not doing politics,” he said.

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Dangerous Liberal Judicial Nominee List Lacks Transparency

During the 2016 election, now-President Donald Trump took an unprecedented move and released a list of fully vetted Supreme Court nominees prior to Election Day. This decision paid off, with about 20% of voters in Election Day exit polls pointing to composition of the Supreme Court as their number one issue.

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It's Not About Yesterday's Dean but it Might be About Obama's FBI

In 1974 Watergate’s John Dean, the Democrats put up a star witness who was nothing more than a paid shill against President Trump. Dean even admitted that he was not a “fact witness". 

This was all part of an effort by liberals to beat the dead horse of the Mueller report (at two different House hearings) and desperately try to brainwash the public into supporting impeachment. According to the Washington Post even some Democrats questioned the wisdom of calling up Dean: 

“Privately, several Democrats said they agreed with the GOP’s harsh assessment, wondering why Dean was called in the first place.”

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Steele to speak with U.S. Officials: The Clock is Ticking for Democrats

Christopher Steele, author of the infamous Steele dossier alleging collusion between Trump and Russia, has agreed to speak with U.S. officials about his relationship with the FBI. According to The Hill:

"Republicans have long alleged it was Steele’s dossier that improperly led to an FBI inquiry, which ultimately morphed into special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible coordination between the Trump and campaign and Russia during the 2016 election.

The Justice Department’s internal watchdog is investigating aspects of the Mueller probe, including whether officials abused their power when they ordered surveillance of a former campaign aide partially based on information from Steele’s dossier."


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Democrats Using SCOTUS to Remedy 2016 Election Loss

Prior to the 2016 election, Democrat candidates traditionally respected the independence of the judiciary. Now, however, with President Trump having nominated Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, liberal legislators are angry and seeking every avenue to undermine Trump in any way possible.

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House Judiciary Committee Democrats Push False Watergate Narrative During Hearing

On Monday, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing “Lessons from the Mueller Report: Presidential Obstruction and Other Crimes”. Witnesses included John Dean, former Nixon White House Counsel, John Malcolm, Director of the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Heritage Foundation, and former U.S. Attorneys Barbara McQuade and Joyce White Vance. The scope of the hearing sought witness testimony regarding Volume II of the Mueller Report, but the hearing quickly devolved into a partisan attack on President Trump.

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ICYMI: Trump Administration Pushing Back Against Nationwide Injunctions

Over the past month, the Department of Justice and high-ranking officials from the Trump Administration have been pushing the legal community to distance themselves from the practice of issuing nationwide injunctions, which Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch refers to as “cosmic injunctions.” Nationwide injunctions have plagued past administrations but have reached an all-time high since Trump came into office.

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Democrats Should Honor the Traditions of the Senate and Vote “Yes” on Judicial Nominees

Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee began confirmation hearings for four judicial vacancies. The nominees include Charles Eskridge (nominated for the Southern District of Texas), Peter Phipps (nominated for the Third Circuit Court of Appeals), William Stickman IV (nominated for the Western District of Pennsylvania), and Jennifer Wilson (nominated for the Middle District of Pennsylvania). The nominations for the U.S. District Court positions are especially important because 118 vacancies remain unfilled.

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Voting and Cybersecurity Experts Agree – Vote-By-Phone Technology is Bad for Election Integrity

Silicon Valley Tech Investors are pushing a new voting method leading up to the 2020 election, vote-by-phone. Spearheading the effort is Bradley Tusk, a former member of the ill-fated Democrat Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich administration and venture capitalist working with the Boston-based Voatz app. Vote-by-phone voting, also known as blockchain voting, would utilize technology currently used to trade cryptocurrency to cast votes.

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