Introduction of American Confidence in Elections Act Announced in Atlanta

On Monday, Committee on House Administration Chairman Bryan Steil introduced the American Confidence in Elections Act (ACE Act), "the most conservative election integrity bill to be seriously considered in the House in over 20 years":

On the day before the 2023 MLB All-Star game, I’m excited to be in Atlanta for the introduction of the American Confidence in Elections (ACE) Act. The ACE Act is a conservative, federalist approach to boost voter confidence and encourage more states to implement common-sense election integrity reforms. 

The Committee on House Administration has oversight jurisdiction over federal elections. As Chairman, I’m committed to upholding the Constitution by ensuring states maintain primary control over administering elections -- not the federal government.

The ACE Act has three main pillars: equipping states with election integrity tools, implementing election integrity reforms in Washington, D.C., and protecting political speech and donor privacy.

The primary section of the bill is focused on providing states with tools to improve voter confidence. We will remove outdated policies that stand in their way and provide access to information held only by federal agencies.

RNLA is proud to support this important legislation. In a letter to Chairman Steil and Ranking Member Joe Morelle, RNLA leadership wrote:

The ACE Act provides a stark contrast to the election legislation that dominated the last two Congresses, H.R. 1 and H.R. 4. As RNLA wrote in a letter in opposition to H.R. 1 in 2019: “this legislation, far from protecting the people, would protect the interests of established politicians and lawyers by vastly expanding the federal government’s power over elections, regulating political speech, and creating new rights of action that would clog the court system.”

In comparison, the ACE Act promotes confidence in elections by increasing transparency, clarifying the limited role of the federal government in election administration, and promoting the freedom of Americans to express political viewpoints.

Read RNLA's letter in its entirety here.

The location House Republicans chose to introduce this important legislation is significant because the radical Left engaged in an aggressive pressure campaign against Major League Baseball over common sense election reforms that resulted in the loss of millions of dollars for the metro Atlanta area when the MLB moved the 2021 All-Star Game at the last minute. 

RNLA live tweeted the hearing that accompanied today's announcement which featured witnesses like The Heritage Foundation's Hans von Spakovsky.

The hearing can be watched in its entirety here.

The ACE Act is yet another example of House Republicans following through with their promises to the American people. Chairman Steil wrote in the Washington Examiner:

The public deserves confidence in our elections. House Republicans made a "Commitment to America" to restore government by the people, for the people. Congress has the opportunity to pass the most transformative conservative election integrity legislation for the first time in a generation.

The Left is already attacking the ACE Act, just as they attacked Georgia’s election integrity law. But protecting our elections is too important to back down. Today’s introduction of the ACE Act is the first step in this fight.

RNLA looks forward to continuing to offer its support for the ACE Act and Committee on House Administration Republicans in their effort to strengthen American elections.