NY Times is So Scared it is Trying to Redefine "Wave"

One of the things I have learned in my time in Washington, DC is that the New York Times is a reliable propaganda arm for the DNC.  So when the New York Times’ Nate Cohn wrote this week “Goodbye to the Republican Wave?” I knew they were writing to get the Democrat “spin” out the election on two matters. 

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Major Blow to Obamacare

The D.C. Circuit Court struck down a major portion of Obamacare today,ruling “that the IRS went too far in reinterpreting the language in ObamaCare to extend subsidies to those who buy insurance through the federally run exchanges, known as HealthCare.gov.”

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House Republicans Set to Vote on Obama Lawsuit

The House of Representatives will take up a resolution before the August recess that would empower House Speaker John Boehner to file a lawsuit against President Obama. Speaker Boehner will be our special guest star at this year’s RNLA Republican Lawyer of the Year Reception tomorrow night.

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EAC's Bad Apple

Lost in all the news yesterday was the White House announcement of the Republican Commissioner Nominees for the Election Assistance Commission(EAC).  Congratulations to Mr. Masterson and Ms. McCormick.  Now the EAC has four nominees for a full commission.

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Larry Lessig: Hypocrisy Squared

Instead of barbeques and patriotic indulgence, publicity hungry law professor Larry Lessig spent Independence Day frantically urgingsupporters of his Mayday PAC to reach his July 4th goal of $5 million dollars.

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House Rules Committee Holds Hearing on Obama Lawsuit

The House Rules Committee held a hearing today on whether to allow the House to move ahead with a lawsuit against President Obama. The lawsuit, spearheaded by Speaker John Boehner, is in response to Obama’s intentional failure to enforce Obamacare’s employer mandate. House leaders expect the measure to move out of committee and receive a floor vote before the August recess.

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Vote Fraud Techniques Being Applied to IRS and Other Voting Scandals

For a longtime the far left has fought against any real effort to perform list maintenance or update voter rolls.  They have fought for voting systems such as “Same Day Registration.”  This helps to ensure chaos and problems at the polls. 

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IRS Has One Month to Explain Missing Emails

A federal judge has given the IRS one month to explain under oath how emails of Lois Lerner and six other top IRS officials disappeared. The judge also appointed a federal magistrate to determine whether the lost emails can be salvaged from other sources.

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Not Since Prohibition and the Alien and Sedition Acts

All Judiciary Committee Democrats yesterday voted against an amendment offered by Senator Cruz to substitute language of the First Amendment itself for a proposed Constitutional amendment that actually would gut the First Amendment.

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Cruz Battles Those Trying to Repeal Part of the First Amendment

The debate over whether to repeal part of the First Amendment continues as supporters mischaracterize the proposed Political Equality Amendment. Senator Ted Cruz wrote an op-ed responding to Irvine School of Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky’s claim that Cruz and Senate Republicans are overstating the consequences of the proposal.

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