New Majority Whip Defends First Amendment

Newly chosen House Majority Whip Steve Scalise vehemently defends the First Amendment, despite Senate Democrat’s efforts to repeal a portion of the Bill of Rights. Before his promotion to Majority Whip, Scalise presented House Resolution 621 with co-sponsor Texas Congressman Ted Poe. The resolution is a direct response to the proposed Political Equality Amendment Senate Democrats are pushing which would remove political speech from First Amendment protection.

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McCutcheon Speaks on McCutcheon v. FEC

Successful Plaintiff Shaun McCutcheon participated in a panel discussionat the Cato Institute Wednesday to discuss the practical implications his case involving federal campaign donations. The 2013 Supreme Court decision in McCutcheon v. FEC eliminated aggregate limits restricting how much money a donor may contribute to federal candidates.

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Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department

Hans von Spakovsky of The Heritage Foundation has co-authored a book with National Review Columnist John Fund entitled Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department. The book is a careful examination of the Holder Justice Department’s egregious violations of the law and relentless pursuit of the Obama political agenda.

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Vote Fraud “Happens All The Time” in South Texas

A Texas judge has invalidated a city commissioner election as the result of vote fraud. The judge called for a new election after, “Lupe Rivera won the election against Letty Lopez by 16 votes.” Lopez contested the results of the November 2013 election and claimed that 44 votes were illegally cast.

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CNN King Compares Missing IRS Emails to Belief in Easter Bunny

"Do you believe in the Easter Bunny? Do you believe in Santa Claus? Do you believe that Lois Lerner's emails just suddenly went poof?" Those are the words of CNN’s John King stating his skepticism of recent claims by the IRS that all e-mails sent to and from disgraced IRS official Lois Lerner between January 2009 and April 2011 were deleted as the result of a “computer crash.”

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Congressman Scalise Fights Senate Dem Efforts to Amend Bill of Rights

In response to the Democrat’s proposed Political Equality Amendment, Republican Congressman Steve Scalise is proposing a House Resolution in support of the First Amendment. As Harry Reid and Senate Democrats aim to cull free political speech out from First Amendment protection, Congressman Scalise seeks to reaffirm the nation’s commitment to these protections.

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Vote Fraud in Influential NH 2008 Presidential Primary

A Massachusetts man pleaded guilty Monday to illegally voting in both the 2008 and 2012 New Hampshire primaries. Lorin Schneider was charged with one felony count and two misdemeanor counts of “wrongful voting” under New Hampshire law for travelling from Massachusetts to New Hampshire to cast votes in both primaries.

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Liberal African Americans' Support Voter ID in New Poll

Despite the hyperbole and race-baiting of the left, voter ID is popular and always polls well.  You have to have an ID for so many basic things, it strains all common sense that a law requiring ID to vote and providing a free ID is somehow racist. 

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Constitutional Law Scholar Opposes Dems Attack on 1st Amendment

Floyd Abrams , noted constitutional scholar and attorney for the successful plaintiff in Citizens Unitedtestified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week to warn Senate Democrats about the dangers of their proposed Political Equality Amendment. The proposed amendment would empower Congress to regulate campaign fundraising and expenditures and limit speech in a “sweepingly broad manner.” Abrams went on to say that, “the notion that democracy would be advanced – saved, ‘restored’ – by limiting speech is nothing but a perversion of the English language.” He observed:

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Did Reid's Use of Visitor Center Violate Ethics Rules?

Tea Party Patriots (TPP) has filed an ethics complaint against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for his recent attacks on the Koch brothers. The complaint charges that, “[b]arely a week after Senator Reid began making speeches from the floor of the United States Senate in which he branded the Kochs “un-American,” “dishonest,” “immoral,” and liars . . ., the New York Times reported that Senate Democrats planned a “new” campaign to attack the Kochs.” Senator Reid has said that he would “do everything [he could] . . . to bring attention to those guys.”

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