The Left's Use of Old Biased Reports to Deny Vote Fraud

I was shocked yesterday to read the use of a report by News21 by UCI Professor and election law blogger Rick Hasen.  The News21 report is so biased and flawed I doubted anyone would take it seriously.  Here is an excerpt of a rebuttal that we prepared at the time of the report in 2012. it is particularly ironic to use the News21 report in regards to a Wisconsin decision, where an unbiased and nonpartisan report by a task force of the

Milwaukee Police Department came out for voter ID and raised the red flag on vote fraud in Wisconsin.  The left has never rebutted the police report.

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A Powerful Tool to Help Election Officials with the Potential to Prevent Fraud

One of the key recommendations RNLA agreed with in the Presidential Commission on Election Administration’s report was that election officials adopt the use of electronic poll books to check-in voters at the polling place:

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Early Voting: Not the Answer to Long Lines

Supporters of expanded early voting seized on the long lines seen in some polling places in the 2012 general election as an opportunity. While supporters of early voting have used multiple policy arguments at different times to favor early voting, including the inaccurate claim that it increases turnout, the long lines proved to be a good opportunity to argue that early voting will help fix that problem. Experience tell us this is not the truth.

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More Vote Fraud in Ohio, More Voters Disenfranchised

Hamilton County Ohio is finding more people who committed vote fraud. 

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Will the Brennan Center Hire Lois Lerner Next?

The Brennan Center for Justice describes itself as “a nationally recognized powerhouse for research and activism in the fields of campaign finance and election reform.”  A more neutral reading would be that the Brennan Center for Justice is known for their partisan efforts on voting and their poorly sourced studies on vote fraud related issues such as voter ID.  The Brennan Center’s current and former employees while paying lip service in reality even oppose reform efforts such as those proposed by the bipartisan Presidential Commission on Election Administration on topics such as list maintenance.

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AG Obenshain and a Missed Point on 44,000 double Registrations in Virginia and Maryland

There is a story right now that has Republicans up in arms:

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Police Powerless to Stop Vote Fraud as Liberals Would Rather Prosecute Police For Trying

Many Democrats and their liberal supporters love to make unsubstantiated and wild claims of disenfranchisement and restricting access to voting.  These same folks have no interest in actually fixing elections.  Ironically the state that may prove this best, New York, is the home of the leading vote fraud deniers, MSNBC’s Al Sharpton and the Brennan Center.  And this is not a matter of a Republican group calling out Democrats. 

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FYI- Reactions to the Supreme Court Upholding Michigan's Affirmative Action Ban

Today the Supreme Court in a decision that included part of the liberal side and the more conservative side of:

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President Obama and Democrats Do Not Want to Protect Minorities’ Voting Rights

When a President appoints a commission to fix a problem you would think a President would at least mention the commission or its findings when he discussing the subject. Yet, in the last two weeks President Obama has given a number of speeches on voting, but has failed to mention his own Presidential Commission on Election Administrationheaded by his former White House Counsel and Campaign lawyer, Bob Bauer.

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Congressman Wolf's Fight for Transparency with DOJ

Even the New York Times. which views as its job to defend the President in almost all cases including saying he did not lie when he said “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it”, has called President Obama out for being a complete fraud on his promises of transparency

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