Apparently it Doesn't Matter in Florida if Non-Citizens Register

A recent article by Floridian Tom Jackson details something we have been saying for a long time, vote fraud is hard to prosecute.  As Jackson notes:

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New York Legislature refuses to follow NYC down de Broadway

Last Friday, New York state seemed poised to follow its marquee City into a campaign-finance fiasco by emulating the Big Apple’s public candidate-funding system. Luckily for the Empire State, in the end cooler heads prevailed and only the State’s Comptroller will be subject the scheme next go round.

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Examining Some of the Liberal Myths of the McCutcheon Case

RNLA Executive Director Michael Thielen has an Op-Ed examining the liberal myths of the McCutcheon decision.  Check it out by going here

The McCutcheon Case Reax: A Victory for Free Speech

Below are a few reactions to the Supreme Court decision for free speech and striking down so-called aggregate contribution limits in McCutcheon vs. Federal Election Commission.  

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Support Growing to Require Proof of Citizenship to Vote

The opposition to Voter ID is so hypocritical of its opponents, all of which from the Democrat Party, to the NAACP, to unions require ID for some of their events.  Now a new survey by Rasmussen shows broad support for requiring proof of citizenship to vote. 

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Campaign Legal Center’s Sordid History of “Encouraging” the IRS

As the IRS slogs through its widely panned political-speech regulation effort, it is receiving moral support from an old friend, the Campaign Legal Center. Last week, CLC policy director Meredith McGehee sought to provide cover for the IRS’ disastrous 501(c)(4) rulemaking and discourage those “intimidating” the behemoth tax collector.  

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Major Victory for State Control of Elections

As the IRS slogs through its widely panned political-speech regulation effort, it is receiving moral support from an old friend, the Campaign Legal Center. Last week, CLC policy director Meredith McGehee sought to provide cover for the IRS’ disastrous 501(c)(4) rulemaking and discourage those “intimidating” the behemoth tax collector.  

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The Obama Administration's War on the 1st Amendment

Mitch McConnell spoke passionately on the Senate floor last week on the Obama Administration's war on free speech.  The RNLA National Policy Conference this Friday will feature a panel with former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson on the subject. Here are some excerpts from Senate Republican leader McConnell’s remarks:

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FEC’s Democrat Commissioners ask IRS to ignore Commission’s own expertise

The IRS’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) regarding nonprofit tax classifications has evoked widespread criticism across the political spectrum. Many argue the agency’s proposals are insufficiently cognizant of First Amendment concerns—perhaps unsurprising for an agency focused on revenue and fiscal policy. But one group seems indifferent to the potential constitutional infirmities: two Democrat Commissioners of the Federal Election Commission.  

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Voter ID: Protecting the Integrity of Our Elections

Hans Von Spakovsky has a new article on the merits of Voter ID.  In the article Hans lists five examples of voter fraud.  We think Hans is just scratching the surface.  There have been five examples of major types of vote fraud in New York State alone in the last few years. 

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