Benghazi Select Committee Meets to Rise Above Politics and Find Answers

Today was the first hearing of the Benghazi Select Committee effort to find out answers to what happened in Benghazi and to prevent it from happening again.  As its communication director Jamal Ware stated:

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Training Woes in New York Underscore Need for Oversight in the Polling Place

A piece in yesterday’s New York Daily News recounted a sobering story from an observer of the training of election officials in New York City:

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Highest Ranking Georgia Democrat in Hot Water Over Voter Fraud

An organization with links to Georgia House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams (D-Atlanta), New Georgia Project, has been accused of forging voter registration forms and falsely telling registered voters they were required by law to re-register. Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp received multiple complaints from at least six counties and in response to those complaints, subpoenaed the group to produce all documents related to their efforts to “register voters, store voter information, contact voters or any other canvassing project.”

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RNLA Statement on FEC agreement to revise campaign finance regulations

Led by its two newest members, the Federal Election Commission will finally revise its regulations following the landmark Supreme Court cases Citizens United v. FEC and McCutcheon v. FEC.

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New Hampshire Senate Race Benefits from Outside Money

RNLA campaign finance blogger Paul Jossey has an opinion piece in the Daily Caller arguing how “outside” money has benefited the voters in the New Hampshire Senate race. Jossey argues outside groups, whatever their ideologies and even those who are involved in the race for cynical or disingenuous reasons provide voters valuable information about the candidates.

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Democrats Declare War. . . On the 1st Amendment

This week Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has declared war.  He has not declared war on ISIS or Muslim extremists; no he has declared war on the first amendment.  As RNLA Advisory Council Member and former Solicitor General Ted Olson writes:

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Liberal Fantasies: No Targeting by IRS and Labor Unions Don’t Make Political Expenditures

According to this story:


Sen. Carl Levin, chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, is putting the finishing touches on his supposed “investigation” of the IRS scandal that will, in essence, be a press release for the IRS and the administration, a reliable source tells me.

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Professor Rebuts Arguments Against Voter ID

Pennsylvania Professor Matthew Rouso published an Op-Ed yesterday entitled:  “Voter ID Would Protect Voter's Rights, Not Inhibit Them.”  In the Op-Ed Professor Rouso in his own way debunks the two main arguments against voter ID. 

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Larry Lessig and the limits of progressive reasoning

Humans have evolved in a myriad of ways since first bursting on the scene 200,000 years ago. Genetic adaptations enabled the conquering of innumerable hardships and eventual domination of the earth’s resources. But the cloistered life of first-world progressives has dulled not only their instinct for survival but their ability to persuasively advocate.

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Part 2: Early Voting Regret a True Threat to Informed Elections

In spite of a U.S. District Court ruling in Ohio this summer expanding early voting by three days, the Columbus Dispatch’s analysis shows that longer early voting periods do not result in a higher overall election turnout.

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