Obamacare Loses Again

Yesterday, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt won a victory for the rule of law when he successfully challenged illegal subsidies used to compel states to accept Obamacare. In a decision in favor of the State of Oklahoma's motion for summary judgment, US District Judge Ronald White ruled that the IRS provision enacted outside of congressional authority was "arbitrary, capricious, and abuse of discretion or otherwise not in accordance with the law."  In 2012, General Pruitt was the first to file a lawsuit challenging the use of taxpayer-funded subsidies to enforce Obamacare in states that had chosen to not establish a healthcare exchange under the law. General Pruitt said of the victory:

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Another Democrat State Representative in Hot Water Over Voter Fraud

Connecticut State Representative Christina Ayala (D-Bridgeport) was arrested September 26 on 19 charges of voting fraud.

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Washington Post’s Reckless Reporting on Virginia’s Photo ID Law

On Friday, The Washington Post took a page from the playbook of left-wing groups such as the Brennan Center in some seriously irresponsiblereporting hyper-inflating the number of Virginians who lack a proper photo ID to vote. In reporting on Virginia’s new photo ID law to take effect this November, the article reported that over 450,000 voters in Virginia may lack a proper ID to vote. After Virginia’s Department of Elections called them out on the inaccurate number, the Post issued a correction and revised the number downward to 200,000, an improvement but still not the actual number.

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Eric Holder’s Disgraceful Voting Legacy

There is a big distinction between White House Counsel and Attorney General.  The Attorney General is supposed to be the country’s lawyer while the White House Counsel is the President’s lawyer.  Yet, Eric Holder was more political than the White House Counsel.  Actually, he was more like a political party counsel.  Three quick examples. 

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The Real Reason for Eric Holder’s Resignation?

Today news of Eric Holder’s resignation became public.  While there are a lot of reactions across the country, is the real reason for his resignation being obscured?  Eric Holder was the most unpopular politician in America today.  As this story by John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky details from just 9 days ago:

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The Same Day Registration Lie

The lie is out.  Same Day Voter Registration is hopelessly corrupt and presents massive opportunities for fraud.  If there was ever any doubt it is erased by what is happening in the bluest of the blue states, Illinois.  Illinois’ Democrat Governor is very unpopular and losing a tight race with a Republican according to the polls.  Illinois Democrats knew this was going to be a tough election, so they planned in advance.

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It is Time to End the EAC

On September 10, the Senate Rules Committee held a nominations hearing for two Republicans to serve as Commissioners on the much maligned Election Assistance Commission.  The nominees were Matt Masterson, Deputy Chief of Staff for the Ohio Secretary of State and Christy McCormick, an attorney for the Department of Justice Voting Section. Mr. Masterson and Ms. McCormick fielded questions from Senator Angus King (I-ME), the only Senator present at the hearing.

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Former Kentucky Judge Disbarred for Committing Voter Fraud

Former Clay County Circuit Judge R. Cletus Maricle has beenpermanently disbarred following a guilty plea of vote fraud. Former Judge Maricle was involved in a wide-ranging conspiracy attempting to control local politics via vote fraud. Seven other officials also pled guilty, including Democrat Election Commissioner Charles Wayne Jones.

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Commissioners, Practitioners, and Reformers Discuss BCRA’s Effect on Political Parties

Displaying a sharp divergence indicative of their operative knowledge of political parties, two FEC Commissioners, two election lawyers, and two campaign finance reformers met on Wednesday to discuss how the current legal paradigm affects political parties.

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Voter ID Wins in Wisconsin

Last Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit dissolved the injunction that was previously issued against the Wisconsin voter ID law. The appeals court told Wisconsin election officials they “may, if [they wish] (and if it is appropriate under rules of state law), enforce the photo ID requirement in this November’s elections.”

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