In Philadelphia, they don't wait for Election to Start Committing Vote Fraud

There has long been an unofficial competition for the “vote fraud” capitol of the United States.  Philadelphia has its backers for the claim, which seemingly include arch-liberal Chris Mathews who has discussed how people are bussed around to vote for others who are not showing up on Election Day.  Yesterday, Philadelphia went one better/worse.  Allegedly adding votes to the machines BEFORE the election:

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ICYMI: What Happens When You Have a Voter Integrity Task Force

On May 8, the Belleville, Illinois News Democrat reported:

A newly-elected Alorton trustee and a Cahokia man were charged Friday afternoon with four counts of vote fraud stemming from the April 7 election.

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Liberal Law Professor Points Out Democrats Won't Criticize Fellow Democrat Hillary

Yesterday we wrote about the Clinton Foundation and State Department's efforts to fight against disclosing the connections between Hillary’s top aides and the Foundation donors.  While most Democrats remain silent, even a Bill Clinton appointed judge wants to know more and is sick of the games:

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Does the Left Only Care About the Campaign Finance Activities of Republicans?

For years the left has been screaming about disclosure and nebulous so-called “dark money."  Yet, in the most outrageous current example of flouting of disclosure and any sort of ethical duty on fundraising, they are mostly silent.  If the campaign finance watchdog groups on the left had any principles they would be screaming about the Clinton Foundation and what it means for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. 

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FEC dysfunction a California dream

As the saying goes you can’t swing a dead cat around Washington, DC without hitting someone—a journalistreformerprofessor, orChairwoman—complaining about the Federal Election Commission’s dysfunction. (One particularly uninformed reporter stated the Commission had come to a “complete halt.”).

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Did John Lewis Admit that Liberals are Lying on Early Voting?

It is the mantra of the left and Democrats that early and expanded absentee voting increases turnout, especially for minorities.  Well, at least publicly that is the mantra.  The reality is Democrats know that this is not true.  Don’t take our word for it; take the word of eight liberal House Democrats including 1960s civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis of Georgia who wrote in a letter to the Government Accounting Office:

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RNLA Announces Voter ID Initiative

Public polls show overwhelming support for Voter ID.  Yet, ID --only in the context of voting -- is often mischaracterized by the left as somehow insidious.  RNLA is beginning a new program to fight the misinformation on Voter ID and to help aid efforts to enact Voter ID in states across the country.  

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Commissioner Joseph Mohorovic Incorporates Conservative Ideas Within the Consumer Product Safety Commission

RNLA's DC Young Lawyer Chapter is Proud to Host Consumer Product Safety Commissioner (CPSC) Joseph P. Mohorovic for its May Happy Hour.  With extensive public policy, product manufacturing and product testing experience, Commissioner Mohorovic will be speaking on issues facing the CPSC.

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Harvard Progressives Botch the First Amendment

RNLA campaign finance blogger Paul Jossey has a piece in the Federalist arguing how far afield the Harvard law faculty has come from the original understanding of the First Amendment. These professors wield enormous influence in politics, policy, and even popular culture, yet they interpret the First Amendment in a way unmoored from history, precedent, or social science.

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Common Cause Urges Independent Audit of Donations to Clinton Foundation

Common Cause "citing concerns about potential conflicts of interest and the influence of hidden overseas donors... called on presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton and the Clinton Foundation... to commission an independent (audit for a)... thorough review of all large donations to the foundation and to release the results. ..."  Common Cause, moreover, stated that "the foundation should stop accepting donations from foreign governments and foreign corporations... .  Common Cause is a nonpartisan...  organization."  The Clinton Foundation is a charitable foundation.  "Though Mrs. Clinton has severed ties with the foundation, her husband and daughter remain active in its operations."

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